Comments on There He Goes Again, Leaving Children Behind

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I have no problem with holding institutions and the instructors accountable
I do have a problem with a system that is merely a statistical charade, a masking facade for bureaucratic bullshit.  Want to hold teachers accountable?  Test them; insure that they are qualified to instruct in the areas they are teaching.  But do not hold the entire public school system hostage to the testing parameters of the students.  The worst schools academicly are always those in the worst areas economically.  Apportion monies to the school system commensurate with the number of children in the schools and give children in impoverished areas an equal footing with those in affluent areas, at least with regard to schooling and educational materials.  No Child Left Behind is Bush at his lip-servicing best.  They abolished separate-but-equal years ago, but it remains alive and well throughout the United States with regard to federal funding.  Then, on the district level, monies are apportioned willy-nilly (depending on whose on the respective boards of education), with individual schools left to make up financial deficiencies through bonds and various collection schemes.  Ridiculous.  And that is only on the legal, fair-minded side of fraud and loopholes in the system. 

posted by saul_relative on February 20, 2006 at 11:58 AM | link to this | reply


From what I hear in my area, many in the work world indicate that too much time on the job is used to train workers on skills that one assumes were learned in high school.  I learned a lot in school that did not include critical thinking skills that I see students learning today. 

I agree to disagree with you and feel there is a real need for the NCLB and standards.  Left alone, you would be amazed at what happens in some public schools.  No efforts will please all.  I think the premise behind is well intended.  I think many problems exist at the schools with the teachers and administrators in the implementation level  Many do not understand and are oppositional for it causes a move from a comfort zone that often is based on laziness.  I do not want to get started, for I have seen this from an inside view and it was not good.  In a different place, I may hold a different view.  Thought provoking post!

posted by Dr_JPT on February 20, 2006 at 12:16 AM | link to this | reply