Comments on An interesting note from my history class

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SuccessWarrior -- that is where religious groups belong
At least in terms of their relationship with government. Any assembled group of citizens should have the right to petition government by legal means to satisfy the needs of their members. This includes, whether we like it or not, religious groups. By using this avenue of lobbying, at least the determinations can be made if what the group is proposing infringes on the rights of others. 

posted by gomedome on February 9, 2006 at 12:38 PM | link to this | reply

Archaic religion is actually a good thing for religion

At least, they stick with something and say that its god's will instead of changing when it suits them.  Lack of birth control has been used by several religions in order to increase their numbers and with it the donations or tithing they receive, a pyramid scheme of sorts.

As far as having them take over politics, like you said, they already do.  Bush isn't acting purely out of greed, there is religion there.  Religions as special interest groups will be there along with all the other special interest groups.  Do I want Catholics running the government or Microsoft.  I'm not sure, I'd have to see their agendas.  I suspect that neither will be do anything for my direct benefit.

posted by SuccessWarrior on February 9, 2006 at 12:02 PM | link to this | reply

SuccessWarrior -- aside from the consideration of which religion,
do you not fear two other important aspects of religion influencing government? Specifically sovereignty issues and the penchant of prevailing religious attitudes to lag behind, (sometimes decades behind) the ever evolving needs of the populace. The sovereignty issue has been demonstrated for us time and again thoughout history and even the recent  Islamic cartoon fiasco illustrated this to a certain degree. In years past, the Vatican was the most influencial world political power, quite often usurping the control that local governments had on their own people. Much the same could be said of the cartoon fiasco. The demonstrations were international in nature and had some central orchestration. Attitudes lagging behind modern day realities is illustrated for us again by the Vatican with their archaic stance on birth control.  

posted by gomedome on February 9, 2006 at 11:55 AM | link to this | reply