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you have eloquently demonstrated how you live your faith.  That speaks so much to your sincerity.

And yet, I asked for someone to speakout for their faith -- present a statement of belief that very could sway people toward it.

I think your refusal to do so flies in the face of your stated belief --

If you believe something, you stand up for it.  If you love others in a Christian way, you want them to hear the Good News that you so joyously have accepted yourself --

If it is such a good thing, why do you hide your light under a basket?

posted by Xeno-x on January 3, 2006 at 2:03 PM | link to this | reply

Laughing . . . some of us are so flippin' busy at the moment we have no lives and little time to post something in defense of our faith. 

Speaking for myself, I choke at all the negative judging of Christians that goes on here in the Blogit realm. I don't have time at the moment to defend myself because I am too busy working and preparing for Christmas and yes, hopefully even LIVING my faith.  A concept so many cynics and agnostics and atheists don't believe possible of Christians.  So then I read all this stuff on blogit and I'm the one who becomes cynical. 

Today I spent time with about 20 elderly patients.  Some were too demented to carry on much of a conversation so I just hugged them or ran my finger through their hair or held their hands -- in between listening to lung sounds and palpating bellies and monitoring edema (swelling) in legs.  I spent about 25 minutes with one 90 year old who was constipated, with no bowel movement for five days and very, very worried.  That exam included a quick rectal to check for impaction and hemorrhoids and then a plan of care to treat the patient and hopefully her constipation.  I spent awhile with a black woman on hemodialysis due to kidney failure who is extremely frail, in a lot of pain and struggling.  I assessed her and then we discussed a plan of care to better control her pain. That took time, since I wanted to make certain I understood her needs and that she was OK with my recommenations.  I then met with an 80 some odd year old woman who has breast cancer with metastases to her lymph nodes.  She's having more pain, and I think she now has mets to her liver.  She loves talking with me, though, because I take the time to listen to her and to love her and to hold her hand.  After doing a quick physical exam, I sat down on her bed and put my arms around her and hugged her and reassured her that I would help control her pain.

I could zip through patient rounds, spend less time with them and get home earlier.  But instead, I take the time to get into their space, to love them as I would like to be loved, to attempt, in my very, very small human way to be God's arms and legs and heart. 

So you'll have to please excuse me if I don't take the time to defend my faith.  Right now, I'm just too danged busy working out my faith amongst a very vulnerable and needy population.  Am I bragging?  NO.  I'm simply stating the facts, and grateful to God that I have the opportunity to help a group of people (elderly) so often forgotten by society. 

posted by JanesOpinion on December 14, 2005 at 6:43 PM | link to this | reply

all you have to do is defend your beliefs

posted by Xeno-x on December 12, 2005 at 3:18 PM | link to this | reply

You have no idea!

I don't know how you dare speak in your way about christians.  What you don't realise is that christianity is the most potent, powerful and interesting religion the world has ever seen.

Most other eligions brainwash their believers which can cause so much harm and distress.  I suggest you get an education my friend.

posted by gingerassasin on December 12, 2005 at 3:15 PM | link to this | reply

convince me here

posted by Xeno-x on December 12, 2005 at 2:02 PM | link to this | reply

You should read SHOOT A NONBELIEVER FOR JESUS. There have been plenty of christians fiercly defending their beliefs there.

posted by Gubby on December 12, 2005 at 12:43 PM | link to this | reply