Comments on Might I Just Take A Moment to Brag?

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Hi babe -- yeah, you know, these kids happen to have rather wealthy grandparents (not my side of the family!) who have been instructed by their son (my niece's dad) to limit their giving.  So the kids have never gotten bazillions of toys and such; instead, they have learned to be creative with what they do have.  And let me tell you, but I've never in my life seen such creativity as what they can produce.  Talk about a wealth of imagination!!!

Thanks for commenting and, well, it's obvious I can't seem to help myself when it comes to bragging rights.  Thanks for putting up with me . . . .

posted by JanesOpinion on December 11, 2005 at 7:00 PM | link to this | reply

Taps, I am very proud of her and yes I'd say we're pretty connected at the hip!  She's the type who would talk to me for hours at a time on the phone if she could.  Just a very engaging, delightful human.  I am so very grateful to God for her!

posted by JanesOpinion on December 11, 2005 at 6:58 PM | link to this | reply

It's always a pleasure and an inspiration to read about kids who aren't "bored" or who don't need to be constantly entertained.

posted by babe_rocks on December 11, 2005 at 3:07 PM | link to this | reply

JanesOpinion, What a proud auntie you are and I have a feeling that she is just as proud of you.  I have no doubt but that you have been a wonderful example and encouragement to her and her siblings.

posted by TAPS. on December 11, 2005 at 1:47 PM | link to this | reply

Thanks Flightpath.  Perhaps someday I'll have the computer savvy to post a photo of her or her siblings (or myself, for that matter!).

posted by JanesOpinion on December 11, 2005 at 12:54 PM | link to this | reply

Beautiful post, JanesOpinion!!

posted by reasons on December 11, 2005 at 12:52 PM | link to this | reply