Comments on Do Oil Companies Make Too Much Money on Gas Sales?

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Excellent question!
That is precisely what should be happening. The problem there is that there are so many restrictions on domestic oil exploration and refining, both at the regulatory and litigatory levels. What torques me about it is that the same Democrat liberals in Congress who so ardently oppose drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge or anywhere else in our own borders are the same ones who make such a big song and dance about oil profits and dependency on foreign oil.

posted by WriterofLight on November 6, 2005 at 7:17 PM | link to this | reply

Why all the tax breaks for Big Oil for "exploration???"
Shouldn't they be able to pay for this with the record profits they are raking in?

posted by fwmystic on November 3, 2005 at 7:02 PM | link to this | reply