Comments on How the Left Wants to Rig Elections

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We already have one of those commissions here . . .

. . . it's called the Ohio Public Futilities - oops, make that Utilities - Commission, and they are only good for automatically approving every proposed rate increase for electricity, propane and natural gas that is submitted to them. They got so tired of complaints that they have made it all but impossible for ordinary voters to directly contact a commissioner. Oh, yeah, we want two more of these abominations to oversee elections.

The good news is that the Public Futilities Commission is in the middle of yet another automatic rate hike scandal, and hopefully a majority of Ohio voters will reject the proposed two new commissions because of it.

posted by WriterofLight on November 3, 2005 at 4:43 PM | link to this | reply

An unelected commission of political appointees???  What a set-up!!

posted by reasons on November 3, 2005 at 4:15 PM | link to this | reply