Comments on DeLay, Libbey and Bubba - A Quick Comparison

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Thanks, fwmystic!

Gee, I thought the investigation was about the Plame Name. Or was I right in calling it a fishing expedition? Undoubtedly the war could have been managed better, but does that negate the fundamental reason of eliminating the Baathists as a haven for and bankroller of international terrorism? 

As for Wilson, he has been proven a liar concerning the yellowcake, who sent him there, what reports he read, and who leaked the Mrs.' name. This happened indepedently of Cheney, Libbey and the rest.

And if the reasons for war were fabricated (of which, only WMDs can in any way be classified as such unless one wants to leap completely out of reality) and should be criminally prosecuted as such, do you want to bring charges agaisnt Clinton, the UN, the news media, Britain and everyone else who has also said Iraq had WMDs? The way I see it, that makes the whole lot of them complicit in the "crime."  

posted by WriterofLight on October 30, 2005 at 6:10 PM | link to this | reply

You are missing the point ...
The reason why the White House is so nervous about this indictment is that it brings up once again W's original rationale for the war in Iraq – WMD; and how critics of the this rationale were subjected to criticism and retribution. Generals that correctly estimated the number of troops required, the things that could go wrong, the length of stay, etc., etc., were all dismissed, replaced or retired.

When Wilson disputed the Niger assertion, the VP's office set out to discredit him, and that's what Libby tried to do. He lied about his role because he, and the White House, know that the reasons for leading the country into war were fabricated. Now, all that remains is to see how committed he is for his cause. Will he take 30 years in the pen to protect his masters?

posted by fwmystic on October 29, 2005 at 10:12 PM | link to this | reply