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I don't remember having a big choice on the dresses.....seems like all the little girls around me wore them at the time, too....remember I'm older than you.  But, I wasn't much of a tomboy...other than I climbed trees and loved heights anytime I could find them.  Glad you liked the photos....I dug out lots of them I'll be posting here and there.

Thanks so much for the cube....lots of it rang true.  My friends are a real mixed bunch....I'm a very eclectic person, and so are my friends....I have them of all stripes...ages, genders, backgrounds, colors and temperments.  The lover part was interesting.....I don't really have one ...but that's a complicated subject since I do have a husband and I guess he would consider himself in that role; but I certainly don't.....which leads to the troubles......they are fairly serious in reality, but I handle by problems in a way that is as though they  weren't very serious...don't know if that makes sense.  The children is right on....and the self was fairly accurate.  All in all, a very interesting exercise....I'd like to find that book...what's the name?

posted by Krisles on October 25, 2005 at 8:01 PM | link to this | reply and those ruffles are simply adorable. So you didn't mind

wearing dresses?  I never was a fan of dresses - too much of a tomboy, I guess!  I love seeing pictures of other bloggers when they were friends.  Show us more, if you have time to get them on.

Also, here are your results for THE CUBE. 

The cube is YOU.  Based on your description you are the sum of many experiences, a work in progress, self made, monumnetal, firm, hard to influence, stubborn, self-declaring, enduring, and secure.

The ladder is YOUR FRIENDS.  Based on your description your friends are cultured, educated, care about appearances, are artistocratic, wealthy, maybe be snobby, support you completely, and are necessary to your life.

The horse is YOUR LOVER.  Based on our description your lover is friendly, versatile, moody, atistic, and possibly the object of mixed feelings.  Since he is eating in your description, this may mean your lover is not getting enough from you.  If the horse is unsaddled it means your lover is free and loved sexually.

The storm is YOUR TROUBLES.  Based on your description your worries are minimal and you have nothing major to worry about.  They may be shocking or galvenizing, giving you a jolt, buth they are illuminating and enlightening! 

The flowers are THE CHILDREN IN YOUR LIFE.  Based on your description the children in your life are innocent, natural, fresh, probably blonde, young, and true sources of pleasure.

Krisles, thanks for reading and for playing.  Hope you enjoy the results.  Hope your shoulder is better, also! 

posted by Masky on October 25, 2005 at 5:22 PM | link to this | reply

Actually, there are a couple of those floating around....but, you know....with the MA blog and all.....uh, uh....I do not want to end up in "Krisles Does Bangkok" via some clever cut and paste.....Stetson, boots and red scarf around my way, Jose.....I love ya, guy.....and I do want to see those black socks.....maybe someday we'll do a photo pal exchange?

posted by Krisles on October 20, 2005 at 11:17 AM | link to this | reply

No've shown you know I've shown me mine!!!! You know it's bad when I'm using all these dang icons!!!!  Whoa.....I'm having an out of mind experience....I've got to start my trek to KC that should be a real experience....

posted by Krisles on October 20, 2005 at 11:14 AM | link to this | reply

OK....I've shown me mine....when do I get to see yours?

posted by Krisles on October 20, 2005 at 11:12 AM | link to this | reply

Aw, shucks.....thanks, guy......and thanks for the help on cutting myself down to size....I'm not a giant anymore!  For awhile I was tall and like a funhouse mirror image....actually, fastest diet I've ever been on.... but, now I'm in much better shape....thank you soooooooooo much... I may end up able to do this before it's all over, even did another one! Still having to use the mountain icon, though...must have something to do with a laptop?  Whatever....I did look at the instructions....I mean I went, I looked...and I sleep at all...not a wink.....

posted by Krisles on October 20, 2005 at 11:11 AM | link to this | reply

I hope you could make sense of that long email I sent you!  As you can see, I copied the photo back onto Photobucket again, figured out I was pasting the url from the address of my browser instead of from the little line under the that helped (!) but I'm still having to put it on via the little mountain it's huge...even after I've reduced it on Photobucket before I even start...sigh  It must be sooooo nice to understand this stuff like you and Lensman do...... Thank you for all your energy on my behalf....

posted by Krisles on October 20, 2005 at 11:08 AM | link to this | reply

Thank you soooo much for your early you can see, it's been a real struggle with lots of help....and I think I'm still probably going about it in a strange way....but she's back up...and not a giant anymore!

posted by Krisles on October 20, 2005 at 11:06 AM | link to this | reply

Too Cute!
Now post one in your high school cowgirl outfit...

posted by strat on October 20, 2005 at 10:21 AM | link to this | reply

The little Boo Boo Krisles is adorable
I can see you just fine.  Very very cute!  You ought to be in pictures :-)

posted by CunningLinguist on October 20, 2005 at 10:13 AM | link to this | reply

Hi Krisles

I see you got your picture up and running, cutie    Great pic...  What a doll! 

If you want to make pictures smaller, there's a simple trick.  When your "post" window is open and you've inserted the photo, just left-click anywhere on the photo.  When you do that, you'll see "handles" appear.  By that I mean tiny little white squares at each corner and the sides of the photo.  If you click on the bottom right handle and drag it diagonally up towards the top left corner, the picture will shrink.  If the pic is really huge, you may have to do the click-and-drag thing three or four times.  When it's the size you want it, the picture may look at little distorted, but all you have to do is click and drag on all the little handles until they picture returns to its proper proportions.   Then click somewhere else outside the photo and the handles will disappear.  Let me know how you do 

posted by Lensman on October 20, 2005 at 10:13 AM | link to this | reply

I got the giant little girl least temporarily, anyway.....who knows....she may stay this time... I don't know what in the hell I'm doing....I still don't read instructions....I just start punchin' buttons and stuff.......

posted by Krisles on October 20, 2005 at 9:50 AM | link to this | reply

Darn, Krisles...I wanted to see baby Krisles.....
That sounds so cool for you to post those photos and the words to go with them....Lensman will come to the rescue...don't worry. He wouldn't let a good woman down...hahaha.

posted by MedusaNextDoor on October 20, 2005 at 8:29 AM | link to this | reply


It's hard to go over this kind of thing without knowing some details of the kind of computer, browser, etc., that are involved.  I talked to BrightIrish about doing some posts to help her (and anyone else) with pictures, but a bunch of things came up that hogged a lot of my Blogit time for awhile.  I still have plans to do it, but for right now there are a couple of things that would help me figure out your problem.  You can email me thru Blogit mail or leave a comment at my blog.  I check those daily.  First, so we're on the same page, I need to know what kind of PC you have and what kind of browser.  Then I need to know the exact address of your photobucket picture.  (When I say address I am usually referring to URL.)  When I looked at the properties on the picture location on your post I got
That doesn't look right, and didn't work for me.  Go to the picture that you want, click on the address line at the top of the browser to highlight the URL, and do a cntrl-c to copy that line.  Then, if you leave me a comment you can cntrl-v to paste the line in the comment.  Don't copy anything during that copy/paste or the URL copy will get wiped out.  Do that and I can look at what you leave me and have a better idea of your problem.  If your picture URL were correct, clicking on the line I put above would take you to your picture, but I don't think it's correct.  It looks like a relative address, which means that it's correct when you're there, but not when you're somewhere else.  You may need to write down the complete address of your photobucket picture and key it in here.  The main thing for now is to let me know a little more so I can look into the problem.  I'll explain all of the other later.

Let me know.  I plan to start some posts on pictures very soon, but I think you need only a tip or two to get yours going.  It takes a lot of understanding of computer functions, directories, files structures, HTML, and WWW tech concepts to really understand pictures.  Fortunately, if you develop a set of procedures for your own material, you don't have to know much about the tech things.  It's like driving a car: you don't have to know how to rebuild the engine to start it up and drive up for a Big Mac (if those don't make you gag). 

posted by Jack_Flash on October 20, 2005 at 4:52 AM | link to this | reply

I haven't attempted the photo thing yet...good luck!

posted by Original_Influence on October 20, 2005 at 3:36 AM | link to this | reply

Strange...there was a photo there...a huge photo...Brisbane saw it...and
now it's gone....hmmm....must have scared Brian or something.....oh was of this huge giant of a little girl, holding her skirt out to show the camera....maybe someday I'll figure out how to work it all....I've sent for help from Lensman.  I suppose the photo is out somewhere in the great ether....really, it was there for a couple of hours.....honest.....huge....but there.....well, 4x6....and that's huge on here.....

posted by Krisles on October 20, 2005 at 3:29 AM | link to this | reply

I tried to work it out

but not quite clear what you did,


posted by brisbane_artist on October 20, 2005 at 12:25 AM | link to this | reply