Comments on On Monitoring Sexual Predators

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Well, Bunny, something must be done to curtail the freedoms of these
aberrant social predators.  If that includes GPS monitoring as well as stronger prison sentences, so be it.  These monsters need to be taken off the streets and out of the neighborhoods where they can hone their recidivist skills.  Monitoring is a bit soft, but I'll take it over the ineffective alternative of registering and the dismal failure of follow-up.

posted by saul_relative on September 20, 2005 at 8:44 PM | link to this | reply

From Bunny

GPS monitoring is being done! Just ask Martha Stewart!

GPS monitoring is now a part of probation for some people, as well as house arrest. The alternative to various amounts of freedom of movement monitored by law enforcement is more time in jail.

I can't speak for someone in that situation, but I think monitored probation is more pleasant than jail! It allows the person to work and socialize as long as he or she follows the rules of probation, which differ from person to person.

Your example is definitely a long shot! A friend of mine used to counsel men who were sex offenders, and one of her biggest frustrations is that the men had already served several years in jail with no counseling before she ever saw them, and if they missed a session they were immediately arrested and sent back to jail where, again, they received no counseling. She knew they were very like to hurt someone again after they were released.

I don't know if monitoring would top them from attacking someone (they make poor decision and have poor impulse control, after all) but maybe it would be a good deterrent.

posted by Bunny on September 20, 2005 at 11:49 AM | link to this | reply