Comments on A-ha! The People of New Orleans Killed THEMSELVES With Liberalism!!

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I'm Cherokee and Irish, too...

..not to mention Polish and Ukrainian.  And I'm well above average intelligence, but I grew up in a lower middle class neighborhood.  We had running water, soap and clean clothing.  But I still had to run around in tennis shoes that had holes in them.  At least I had shoes to ride my bike down to the corner store to buy my mother her booze and smokes.  Used to be able to do that as a kid as long as you had a note signed by your parents.

Don't hate your past or its people.  All people, not just aborigines, get fat, dumb and happy until the conquerors start showing up, spewing their patriarchial misery in all directions.  It's hard to overcome the sting of these WASP's.  But it is possible, as you suggest.

Just remember, though, that if only the excellent (top 10-15%) of a people are the only ones who can overcome the obstacle course laid out in front of them, then your people are being oppressed. 

You won't find a C student from the reservation becoming President of the US, but you will see a blue-blood from Yale occupying the position.  Same with black people.

Remember it is a bell shape curve and we all live under it.  If we don't learn to lead the ones in the middle, someone else will.  There are more idiots than there are leaders, so keep that in mind when you take your dangerous mind out into the public.



posted by Volaar on September 10, 2005 at 11:44 AM | link to this | reply


Excuse me but your arrogance is showing. There is no race in this country that has been treated worse than mine, and that's both sides of my heritage, Cherokee and Scots, Irish. One side of my heritage was sold on the same auction block with blacks, the other side of my heritage were given jobs slave owners would not allow their slaves to perform. For decades the Irish suffered under the thumb of opression in this country and still today the Irish drunk is fodder for crule jokes and slander. My Cherokee heritage and my Cherokee brothers and sisters are the forgotten race in this country. My people are dying, our young people dead much too soon from substance abuse, and yet, we only have ourselves to blame. We drink, we do drugs, we allow the welfare state to dictate our everyday lives. Our warriors are old women, unable or unwilling to stand on our own two feet, accept responsibility for our own actions, and go to work.

My people hid in caves during the relocation, passed as white to remain in our homeland, continued to hide our true selves because, until the Civil Rights Act was passed, it was illigal to be an Aboriginal American in Alabama. Tell me the last time it was illigal to be black in the country.

I don't blame the white man for my peoples plight, I blame my people for allowing themselves to be bought into slavery by the monthly check.

posted by twodog on September 9, 2005 at 8:56 PM | link to this | reply