Comments on Katrina vs. Sheehan and the rest of world!

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I've Never...
...really understood why CNN ever got the praise for bing a "great" news channel.

Yes, they did some stuff in the first Gulf War, but the times I've been exposed to the channel, it's been pants! The invasion of Haiti was a classic - hours of footage "live" from Port au Prince, clearly from an unmanned camera on a hotel roof somewhere, showing NOTHING happening!

And how come radio jocks freely steal from the CNN newsfeed now without ever crediting them or paying for it? That's not how I thought syndication worked, but it's quite common in Europe now, too.


posted by DamonLeigh on August 31, 2005 at 1:54 AM | link to this | reply

And what about us radio jockeys who get our news from them..What am I gonna talk about, the weather all night?  Schree`

posted by Schree on August 30, 2005 at 7:15 PM | link to this | reply

Hey girl!!
I was glad to get your comment. You can check us out in archives..I don't want to use you to promote the address..So, I won't post here, but, go check us out. I've been called the black female Howard Stern. Our show is a trip girl. Do you know how to check your mail? If you do, then I'll send you the number. I've found a couple of pretty interesting people that I hope will make the leap! I have no idea how to check my mail on this thing that's why I ask..LOL Schree` 

posted by Schree on August 30, 2005 at 9:20 AM | link to this | reply