Comments on The Cost Of Being The Lone Superpower

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It isn't going to get any better, zenresistance. The war in Iraq will

continue killing and maiming a hundred people a day.   The rest of the world will await the next move by al-Qaida and thier like.  And anti-war sentiment will gain ground all over the planet.  The Bush administration and their cronies will scream about the terrorist war against freedom and democracy, while most Americans believe what they're told.  The blinding truth that al-Qaida and other anti-Western terrorists simply want the West to stop interfering in thier lives and the ministrations of their governments will not matter.  Then you have the Islamic extremists who want to push jihad past Muslim controlled boundaries, and these guys play right into the hands of the right-wing propagandists, or, in a horrible twist, are they causing escalation to increase American enmity among the world's nations, including the Islamic ones?

Who knows?  But it will definitely get a lot worse before it gets better.

posted by saul_relative on July 11, 2005 at 3:11 PM | link to this | reply

I'm waiting to see how things turn out in the next week or two.

posted by zenresistance on July 11, 2005 at 8:48 AM | link to this | reply