Comments on Contrary to popular myth... God isn't found in some ancient book

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your post made me think of this...

my husband and I were preparing a campfire.  we spoke to the ranger, wondering if we had enough wood for the weekend.  all he said was this, "the white man builds a big fire and sits very far away.  the indian builds a small fire and sits very, very close." 

posted by quetzal on June 22, 2005 at 6:42 PM | link to this | reply

empty_handed_painter -- the concept of original sin was developed as much
more than simply a guilt trip. Appreciate the history of Christianity and that this concept was constructed in the early centuries by the prevailing representation of this religion at the time in the Roman Catholic church. I see it entirely as a subscription ploy, bring your little babies into the church as soon as possible after birth so that we can begin indoctrination immediately. And it worked like a charm. The fear of eternal damnation from not being baptized had parents streaming into the church with their newborns. It's cynically brilliant when you think about it.

posted by gomedome on June 20, 2005 at 6:25 AM | link to this | reply

good post -- good poem
yes -- innocence --
lost to Christianity's sins.
someone wanted us to feel guilty with original sin
then we would be beholden to them for "saving" us, however that might be.

but yes -- great story -- they were closer to god than most any christian ever could be

posted by Xeno-x on June 20, 2005 at 5:57 AM | link to this | reply

I hope you don't mind...

this poem seems to go with this post:

buzz cut

in our childishness we revolt
balk at the trimming of wild hedges
cry at the cutting back of daisies
knee high grasses hid deer reclining
bunnies and coons
we hid beneath them, too, giggling
our youthful spirits cringe
as our sprawling green turns mohawk
and dandelions disappear
we were drunk on the wine of spring
a sober man's hand takes it all away
leaving a manicured lawn with no imagination

posted by Metta on June 19, 2005 at 10:46 PM | link to this | reply

Is this supposed to "wind me up" ?
I see nothing inconsistent between your view of innocent little children and the Bible.  You know... "Let the little children come unto me" and all that.  I seem to remember something about an "age of accountability" which many seem to put at around age 12 where children are mature enough to make their own choices regarding obeying God choosing to sin.  So... it seems we are in unlikely agreement. 

posted by calebs_blogger on June 19, 2005 at 8:17 PM | link to this | reply