Comments on So Ya Wanna Live In A Democracy? Dept: Too Bad!

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And, now they are trying to clear the way for Laura Bush in 08.

posted by Numinous on June 6, 2005 at 8:08 AM | link to this | reply

Iran Is Not the Great Satan...

...we are.  We are because we embody the imperfection of the human ego and attempt to replace God with that ego.

There are seven steps to enlightenment.  Man can only achieve six of these steps without the help of God, and only with great suffering and perseverance.  The last step is always taken by God and occurs only on terms known by God -- not Jesus, not the Holy Spirit.

The assumption that any man or woman could declare themselves as the higher power of any other man or woman -- or of an entire nation or global population -- is the meaning behind the number of the antichrist, or 666.  On all three planes of human experience -- mental, physical and spiritual -- the antichrist is entirely self-directed, self-centered and rudderless.  Belief in God is nothing more than a tool to the antichrist who believes s/he has created themselves separate and apart from God.  Caesar Neron -- Nero -- was the classic example given by the ancient scribes of just such a human.  Mad as a hatter and absolutely convinced of their own divinity and divine purpose.

We are the Great Satan because we have allowed the fascists of the Roman Empire to rise into a Fourth Reich designed to enslave mankind; we are the Great Satan because we have systematically ruled cruelly over the people of the Middle East with little concern for their welfare or for their best interests. 

The government of Iran is not the enemy.  Human ego is the enemy and the mullahs of any Muslim nation are every bit as subject to their own insanity as we have been.  The difference between Iran and the US is that the US has been given much more than the people of Iran.  More is to be expected of us, not less.  If we do not yield to the smaller ships of the world, we will be crushed under their feet when they invariably rise to their feet and claim their place as children of God.

God has no grandchildren.  The mullahs are just as incorrect as our fundamentalist preachers are incorrect.  And equally as terrified of being incorrect.

posted by Volaar on June 5, 2005 at 8:39 PM | link to this | reply

You're Delusional...

...there is absolutely NOTHING reasonable about the dismantling of a governmental system based on a clear, thorough and reasoned analysis of the historical facts surrounding the rise and fall of empires since, at least, the time of the Egyptians.

The case for insanity is very strong among the insane.  Logic guides the thinking and consistency of both the sane and the insane systems of thought and belief.  That is why the not wholely insane have attempted to engage with the completely insane in a failed attempt to reason with them.  But there is nothing to base a plane of reason on when the values of the insane and the sane are completely incompatible with one another.

The difference between sanity and insanity isn't that one system's thinking is deranged or disordered.  The problem is the premise on which each thought system is based.

The insane thought system is based on fear and the fragmentation of the obvious into infinite component parts resulting in a huge collection of irrelevant details designed to bury relevance and truth.

A sane thought system is based on unity and the unification of the seemingly disparite into a unified and singular whole.  Truth and harmonization with the truth is the only relevant concern or consideration.

Neoconservatives display the insanity on which their thought system is based when they systematically and fraudulently hide the truth from prying, or skeptical, eyes.  They further display their insanity when they engage in systematic campaigns designed to frighten and provoke the governed into mass panic.  That they have done this on false pretenses further proves my point.

The sane and the insane are completely incapable of understanding one another.  This is because each perceives the other as like themselves when, in fact, each sees the other in a manner unlike the way that they see themselves.  Can ya dig it.  I knew that you could.

If you believe in truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth you will eventually come to see things through the eyes of sanity.  Which, if you are as insane as I have suggested you are, should scare the living daylights out of you.  And that would be how you can know that you are insane, or not wholely sane: the sane are not frightened by insanity, they simply realize that insanity is sickness requiring healing.  The insane fear the sane because the insane can not bear the thought of non-thought, or of knowing the whole truth about anything.


posted by Volaar on June 5, 2005 at 8:18 PM | link to this | reply

What if the neoconserative hardheads are really
reasonable people? I happen to think they are and we are doing great and right. If you don't agree with that try IRAN!!

posted by sarooster on June 5, 2005 at 3:39 PM | link to this | reply