Comments on Mexican Wrestling

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Now you have given me a reason to do some investigative reporting. We need to know what is going on. :)

posted by mikea18 on May 18, 2005 at 1:29 PM | link to this | reply


You know I totally missed putting up the link that talked about the whole regulation business for Mexican Wrestling. I noticed that when they mentioned that a wrestler that had lost his mask was going to start wrestling with it again. They say he can't wrestle in Mexico anymore.


posted by mikea18 on May 18, 2005 at 1:28 PM | link to this | reply

What's happened to mud wrestling: a slippery business but quite a crowd-puller in its day.

posted by Limey on May 18, 2005 at 12:50 PM | link to this | reply

Several things

I was wondering why the term "pogo stick" kept showing up on your resume.  It also explains your "night" work that I've never actually seen proof of.   I'm imagining the pogo sticks wear out quickly, so you know what you'll get for Christmas next year.  Think of it as your cheese log or spam log.

What I *really* love about all of this, is its one place where women don't have to go over to the top to be equal.  The GUY is having to resort to some insane device to get attention.  Women just have to sharpen pencils and straighten the boss's desk (something a guy administrative assistant doesn't want to do.)  In this field, you have to let it all flap in the breeze while keeping your balance.  I wonder how the whole sticking money in the g-string thing works.  Do they get the guys coming up or going down.  Never mind.  Really, can you imagine trying to give the guy a dollar....well not YOU giving him a dollar, per se, but anyone.    It would be like human cow tipping.  I woud pay a dollar for that.

Stripping and wrestling only proves that the Mexicans can multitask.  See, it is a line for the resume. 



posted by terpgirl30 on May 18, 2005 at 4:23 AM | link to this | reply

If a wrestler loses the mask he can never wear it again.
Well, isn't that true with everything? If you 'lose' something its gone. So how are you supposed to use it again anyway?

posted by Hammock_Noweilz on May 18, 2005 at 1:49 AM | link to this | reply

La Parka used to wrestle in the defunct WCW in what was labelled the cruiserweight division. It was based on that Mexican style of wrestling and had quite a few masked wrestlers (none in chicken suits though) including Rey Mysterio now of the WWE. He even went without his mask for a while. Looked like a twelve year old kid.    

posted by Talion on May 17, 2005 at 9:34 PM | link to this | reply