Comments on I May Not be Right, But Everybody Else is Wrong?

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That golden goose (the US Treasury) will cease to lay those eggs! I do not want to be the one to pay it back. I got nothing from the party!

posted by Glennb on May 4, 2005 at 8:52 PM | link to this | reply


Why would anyone reply with a comment that ignores and makes my point in the same writing? You did an excellent job of demonstrating the confusion of the American electorate. Do not confuse the you with the rest of the Planet. Taking care of your parents is not a chore! How did you get in a position to care for your Parents? Do not leapfrog the steps before you got to that point.

You may have a pipeline to the connected. I do not! Where do you think advertisers get their money? If the circle continues to be broken the system will break down! You can take that to the Bank!

posted by Glennb on May 4, 2005 at 8:49 PM | link to this | reply

Ah, Another Debate

I must disagree, working folks usually don't have the time to identify with the intellectuals, the educated wealthy. Working folks are to busy trying to become wealthy, in spite of putting themselves, or their children through school at every level, make the monthly payments on house, car, utilities, personal loans, and the ever present credit cards.

Of course the conservative movement will exploit any avenu to further their agenda, and you are correct, the conservative movement has, in the past, targeted the working class. After all, folks who work, pay taxes, and take care of their families tend to be conservitive.

It appears to me the librals have just as targeted audience as the conservitives. All you have to do is research the voting demographis of the most recent election and you will see exactly who is being targeted, and by who. Yes, the conservitive's target working people, just as librals target urban, minorities. Again, check the voting dynamics of the recent presidential election, the blue, red map, the targeted audience is there to see for anyone willing to put down their personal political agenda and look, study, the evidence.

Excuse me, but, no one forced me to take care of my mother when she could no longer take care of herself. It waa an honor, a privilage, a responsibility I assumed without thought. Isn't it strange, an individual would consider parental care a burdan, after our parents sacrificed everything for us?

And there, just might be an answer to several questions. For instance, why are children of today so disrespectful? Why is disicipline in the schools one of the major reasons, if not the primary reason, public education is in serious trouble. Modern day parents aren't willing to sacrifice for their children to the same degree my parents, and I did, for their, my children.

I must disagree with you on another point. The conservitive movement, the growing conservitive movement is all about acknowledgeing the working man's struggles, through tax breaks, reduced entitlements (a policy still to be enacted), emphasis on self relience, ownership, better schools, a simplified tax code, just to name a few. These are policies aimed directly at the working tax payer. So, I find it hard to agree with your point, "The conservitive movement will never acknowledge the credibility of the American Working Mans struggles. Rather, it appears, now don't get mad, I said it appears, you equate the American Working Man, with the American Union Member. And in the Union Member's case, you are correct. The conservitive movement will always find it hard to acknowledge the credibility of an organization that stiffles inititive, and rewards mediocraty. The conservitive movement will find it extremely difficult to acknowledgte an organization that pays it's leaders a six figure salary, or watch their union dues being used to further a political agenda they, personally, don't agree with.

A last point, believe me, if Rush Limbaugh, Don Imus, Neal Bortz, Sean Hannity, and a host of other talk show hosts weren't making money for their broadcasters, for the advertisers, they would not be on the air any longer. It's the audience that drives the boat, the audience that listens, watches, the programming in large numbers, and exposed to the products through advertising. The attraction is not the commercial, it's the programming that comes in between. I don't care how much money an advertiser spends on a particular program, if the audience isn't there, why do you think ratings are taken on a regular basis, the program would be snatched off the air in a New York Minute.

And you can tak that to the bank

posted by twodog on May 4, 2005 at 10:26 AM | link to this | reply