Comments on Comment Blocking -----expanded from earlier.

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pappy -- this may be a first

 This was a particularly good comment from you and despite your suggestion that we disagree on a point or two I beg to differ. So am disagreeing that we disagree if that makes any sense. When you say this: 

"It is the problem of human nature that religion, in theory, is trying to help." 

That is more or less the very point I am making in this posting. But the attempt to solve the problem becomes very much like the crazy man trowelling his bath water to smoothen out the ripples.


posted by gomedome on April 14, 2005 at 10:37 AM | link to this | reply

I understand what you're saying about people using religion to form groups that seem to be more about excluding others than about positive results.  I don't agree that this is a religious problem, however.  It is the problem of human nature that religion, in theory, is trying to help.  It seems to be a perpetual surprise to you that people who claim to be religious are just as screwed up, if not more so, than people who don't.  I think they are just more vocal and maybe religion gives them the ammunition, or at least the language to show their hypocricy more clearly.

posted by pappy on April 14, 2005 at 9:21 AM | link to this | reply

kooka_lives -- that comment is well said as well
I think the reason that you have never blocked anyone is because you seem to have an abundance of patience. When someone suggests one too many times that my opinions are invalid because they are not their own, I tend to retreat to avoid unecessary conflict.  I have to work on that admittedly. 

posted by gomedome on April 13, 2005 at 7:58 PM | link to this | reply

Well said
I have yet to block anyone myself. If they act childish I point out ot them they are acting childish. Once I have told them off a few times they seem to start commenting less.

People do seem to look for any justification to segregate themselves. It is a sad and destructive path that humanity needs to break away from. religion wants to make it so anyone who does not believe in the exact same principles are bad and evil and downfall of humanity. I don't understand the need myself, but it is once more coming down to the need to point fingers and it is easy to point fingers at those who disagree with your views. We can watch the progression of equal rights to see this as well. At one time it was women going into the work place that was the cause of the problems, then it was blacks being treated as equals and right now it is the idea of treating homosexuals are human that is the cause of all our problems according to some. Such pointless division helps no one and only keeps us from our potential growth as a species.

posted by kooka_lives on April 13, 2005 at 7:19 PM | link to this | reply