Comments on The "Pasyon" And Holy Week

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ONe day, grandmammina
I'd visit Tucson and experience the Holy Week there.

posted by Friar__Tuck on March 26, 2005 at 1:23 AM | link to this | reply

You would surely enjoy, though the ceremonies are long and many,

the re-enactment of the story of Christ as done by the Yaqui Indians here in Tucson and down in Mexico, where they originate. They had young boys dressed up, defenders of Christ, then they have the Fariseos and Judas is burned. They whole story is told over a few days, with small church ceremonies in bewtween.

Tourists sit on bleachers and cannot interact or make noises, just watch, showing reverence. The Yaqui mix their old Indian rituals with Christianity, using the parades of figurines used by the first padres who tried to teach them Christ's story by acting it out. They have separated a bit from Catholicism in their ways and rituals and it is fascinating. Sociologists and anthropologists study them and they try to ignore them.

At first they tried to keep tourists, etc. away, but the money that they brought into the homes of the poor Yaquis was much needed. Now they have their gambling casinos which fleece the tourists and Tucsonans and the US Government has finally recognized them as an Indian tribe and they are getting more benefits and help.

My mother taught many Yaqui children in her school and she was invited each year to attend. We liked seeing the ceremonies, tho' got bored when younger, not realizing how marvelous the ceremonies were.

Sounds very similar to your ceremonies.

posted by benzinha on March 25, 2005 at 10:23 PM | link to this | reply