Comments on Syria Saving Face, Snubs Bush

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I feel for you, Tanoolicious.

If Dubya ever has a logical synaptic connection, he might consider learning about the peoples and histories of the countries he's trying so hard to create into satellites.  What the stupid bastard doesn't get is that almost the entire region is united by religion foremost, boundaries and local interests second.  He keeps encroaching upon Muslim territory, the entire Islamic world notices, not just the offended area.

And you are correct.  Poor Lebanon has seen its unfair share of disputes and wars, conflicts and political struggles.  Bet me that Dubya starts talking up the Christians of Lebanon as a way to gain American popular opinion for his cause.  Onward, Christian soldiers, and all that.  The pro-Syrian protests yesterday demonstrated where the people stand with regard to Syria as opposed to Bush. 

posted by saul_relative on March 9, 2005 at 12:14 PM | link to this | reply

oh it wont end... its just the beginning... they arent gonna get up and leave that easily... because Bush wants the syrian lebanese border to be closed coz thats where weapons for Hezbollah get through to Lebanon and judging by at least a million people protesting today that they want Syria to stay and Bush to back off... this will never end... my poor little country.... its so tiny and everyone wants a piece of it ...

posted by Tanoolicious on March 8, 2005 at 5:28 PM | link to this | reply