Comments on Oh This Is Just Perfect Dept: Yesterday's Poll Numbers For Bush Were Faked!

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Slanted News?

You're out of your mind.  The only thing the news media has published in the last eight years has been information that favors the cause of the Republican Right.  That means the following:

1.  Information which subordinates the real theft of taxpayer dollars.  So if you pork barrel 100,000 dollars for your congressional district, or state, it's blasted all over the media (unless you are a Republican).  But the Halliburton's and KBR's of the world can walk off with BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars with hardly a word spoken.  This keeps the focus on the occasional Democratic representative advocating for their constituency and the focus OFF the typical corporate white collar criminal whose campaign contributions typically favor the GOP and hugely skew their political platforms.

2.  Information which paints the ignorant, the poor and the lower classes as freakish and without any dignity or self respect.  It's the Jerry-Springerization of the average American.  So juvenile delinquents are all painted as potty-mouthed, drug-addicted sexual deviants; lesbians are all painted as male-bashing, penis-envying biker chicks; male homosexuals as feminine para-transsexuals who dote over their mothers; Democrats are nail-biting sloths who can't get over Mommy putting them on the toilet seat backwards and who are always looking for government hand-outs.  This keeps the focus on, "We, the People," as ignorant and incapable of self-governance, rather than as a diverse people who respect the privacy of all, especially the minority.

3.  Information which paints Republican conservatives as thoughtful, pensive and serious gets published and emphasized first.  Information that paints Democrats in a similar vein is subordinated if it is covered at all.

4.  Information which brings to light crimes of Democrat politicians gets exhaustive coverage; information which brings to light crimes of Republican politicans gets almost no coverage whatsoever.  The only crimes that Republicans will ever be covered for, without a massive sea change in the structure of the news media, are sensationalistic crimes that tend to overshadow the real and major crimes for which the Republican politicians are actually guilty.

5.  Information which obfuscates, confuses or shifts responsibility for the issues caused by Republican policy decisions and which are caused by a thoughtless favoritism towards the wealthiest 1% of the population.

6.  Information based on a contemporary understanding of history, particularly the behavior of the Republican party during the Roaring 1920's and throughout the Great Depression.  That behavior has not substantially changed.

I am not saying, "Republicans Bad, Democrats Good," here.  The Democratic party has shown almost no spine with respect to Republican and neoconservative malfeasance and has been all too quick to sell-out to special interests.  That needs to change, and, given Howard Dean's leadership, it most assuredly will.

The fastest and most efficient method for dealing with the current political mess would be to imprison the entire neoconservative cabal, their campaign contributors and their family members for an indefinite period of time.  Rudy Dekkers and all of his compatriots, including the Cubans, also need to go to jail.  The entire Bush Family needs to go to jail.  I would classify most of the upper 1% of the present ruling class as, "under suspicion," and subject them to the kind of treatment that they have visited indiscriminately upon the brown-skinned peoples of the world (except for the East Indians.  F*k the East Indians for the foreseeable future).

There is no media source, save parts of the internet, that has not been contaminated by corporate, fascist power.  Even NPR.  I know this to be fact based on experience and evidence, and not based on my opinion.

That only 6 megacorporations control all of the news and information most folks are exposed to is NOT an opinion, it is a FACT.  That these corporations do NOT investigate themselves and do NOT operate in the interests of American democracy is a FACT, not an opinion.  The evidence is everywhere, but you would have to be open-minded to even have a chance of seeing it.



posted by Volaar on February 12, 2005 at 7:56 PM | link to this | reply

Why would anyone need to check on news reports from organizations
that slant the news in the liberals favor? You have to be out of your mind if they are giving the president any credit or good news. Anyway, we govern by people who actually go to the polls and vote for a candidate. Geroge Bush is the President and will stay thay way for the next four years. It does not matter what his approval ratings are. He has the approval of the voters and that is the only poll that counts isn't it?

posted by sarooster on February 12, 2005 at 4:08 PM | link to this | reply

Why Am I Not...
...even vaguely surprised?


posted by DamonLeigh on February 11, 2005 at 6:09 AM | link to this | reply