the point i am making is that what you are saying is not what I mean.

It would be a very rare individual indeed that would fit your criteria.

I would surmise that, once accepting the Hold Spirit, no one really would blaspheme it in the manner you describe.

however, for the sake of a certain imagined advantage, some might discard what they really hold to be true in order to "hedge their bets", so that they can be assured (or so they think) of Salvation.  The Holy Spirit is that which, in all of us, gives us our honesty, fairness, deep moral fiber, and it works in all of us.  the adage, "Above all, be true to thyself," is the ultimate expression of faithfulness to the Holy Spirit, for if one is not, then one is infinitely dishonest and has indeed committed the unforgivable sin.

posted by Xeno-x on February 25, 2008 at 11:00 AM | link to this | reply

Sorry to take so long for this post, just backtracking a bit
I simply must urge you to reconsider this view of the Holy Ghost as betraying ourselves etc.  The Holy Ghost a gift we receive Christ promises after baptism of water comes baptism of fire by the Holy Ghost. Our comforter. More than a warm fuzzy feeling. A real an undeniable spirit which speaks the truth of things, gives utterance thru us for God and once having found place in you, (a true experience of it's power) you then speak irreverently, or disrespectfully about it,  (even Clearer) defaming, denying, or discounting it's sacred character, then there's no forgiveness of man in this world, nor in the world to come.  The spirit is a sacred "entity" and this sin a willful act towards it, not at all about going against ourselves and our beliefs. No easy slip up or wrong choice we make even if we do it on purpose.  Doing that which is contrary to our beliefs and ourselves is a mistake, a sin we heap upon ourselves that hurts but can be forgiven. Sorry to carry on, but of this I am strong and certain. Even Kooka couldn't commit this, he knows not of "the Holy Ghost" we can't speak against (and count) something we know nothing about. Am I driving you crazy yet? Okay.

posted by thoughtfulness on February 24, 2008 at 7:24 AM | link to this | reply

Experience -- let's distill this down to its very essence
since we have over a 1,000 brands of Christianity here are questions:

are all of them right?

which ones are right?

are there any that you believe are wrong?

and what if these people believe with all their hearts that they are right?

do you realize that several Christian denominations will tell you that one or more other Christian denominations are wrong?

do you think that they are right when they say that these others are wrong?

and if they believe in their religion devoutly, what do you make of that?

posted by Xeno-x on February 5, 2005 at 2:34 PM | link to this | reply

Do what you believe in?
I read your blog. I happen to disagree with you about you should do no matter what your religion is and you think you will be safe. Part of that is true. But part is not. If you choose to believe in a religion it should be the righteous way the way God Almighty himself would want man to go. But their are many different religions out there. You think no matter what religion you should follow or you would be sinning against the Holy Spirit. What if peoples religion was devil worshipping or witchcraft? Or worshipping some rat or snake or image of there own. Do you sthink they should believe in it anyway. Do you think that because they would believe in it would be all right because they live what they believe. I do not! I believe you have a right way to believe and a wrong way to believe. You sow what you reap.

posted by Experience on February 5, 2005 at 6:49 AM | link to this | reply

Be true to yourself…I call that a “Eureka”

Good Post…

posted by justAcarpenter on January 31, 2005 at 10:58 PM | link to this | reply

Unforgivable Sins ?

I thought the unforgivable sin was talking against God Almighty! Maybe I'm wrong. It's better to do what you believe in then not. But their  are some devil worshippers out there who believe in evil. Don't tell them to believe and do that. But I understand what your saying. But not all will take it the way you are meaning.

Please visit my blogs and give me your comments. Thank You

posted by Experience on January 31, 2005 at 10:23 AM | link to this | reply

actually YShua-Carpenter4Higher, you are perfectly correct
if you get the gist of my treatise, the basic premise is

"Be true to yourself."

To betray yourself is the ultimate sin. The forgiveness about it is you being able to forgive yourself -- you will never be able to forgive yourself is you cannot be true to yourself.

But this being said, we still get the chance to redeem ourselves, paradoxically.

posted by Xeno-x on January 28, 2005 at 6:57 AM | link to this | reply

I've been trying to make that point for a while now. Hopefully some of them might see it when it is put in your words.
It seems that some Christians would rather me be untrue to myself and the rest of the world and 'play it safe' than have true integrity and hold myself to the values I believe in. I guess I just have too much personal integrity and just do not wish to lie just to make things easier.

posted by kooka_lives on January 27, 2005 at 7:59 PM | link to this | reply

Sorry, Chief...

"sin," is an archery term and it means that you've, "missed the bullseye."  You fell short.  You made a mistake.  You committed an error.

There are no irretrievable errors in ultimate reality.  To believe that there are is to believe in an unloving God.  Belief in such a God, by the Commandments, will have very definite consequences in time and space.

Errors, mistakes -- these are necessary for us to become aware of our true identity in the first place.  Without an experience of limitation, we wouldn't be aware of ourselves.  It's just the way perception operates.  Comparison, contrast, thinking -- these are only possible in a mind that believes it does not know.

This false belief is what makes the whole universe of our perception seem real.  It's what splits the mind between conscious and subconscious.  And yet without this very necessary, if ultimately false, belief, we would have no clue of our own magnificence.  Imagine sitting around saying, "I knew that; I knew that; I know that;  I know them....  And that would be an EXCITING day.  I can not even begin to imagine the boredom of the contentment of total and absolute knowledge.

The challenge of life, for me, is in finding out how to heal the mistakes that are really hard to forgive.  We all have these, and some of them we have in common -- we call these, "capital crimes."  But we all believe in the notion of, "sin," whereby the transgressor goes too far.  Even the so-called atheists and agnostics have this belief in sin.

It is the belief in sin that is the problem.  Because most, if not all, of us believe in sin, sin becomes manifest among us.  We see it EVERYWHERE.  We get really peeved about some of these sins, and generally it is those sins which we, ourselves, believe we are in charge of monitoring and controlling.

Surrender all of your sins to God as you understand God.  Let God be the arbiter of your judgments in this area.  Amazingly, people who, "sin," egregiously against you will suddenly be transformed into the whitest of angels.  Polite and well-mannered, too.

Try it.  If I'm lyin', I'm flyin'.


posted by Volaar on January 27, 2005 at 6:52 PM | link to this | reply

okay let's bet back to the subject.

posted by Xeno-x on January 27, 2005 at 5:09 PM | link to this | reply

Okay, dad...(that ought to stop the talking)

posted by Ariala on January 27, 2005 at 3:22 PM | link to this | reply

there's a drill for that

one that you can pound down in to the ground with a sledgehammer.

I'm going on to your blog for the rest

people might start talking

posted by Xeno-x on January 27, 2005 at 3:21 PM | link to this | reply

If I go to Columbia, I'm heading to my cabin afterwards. You can dig a
well for me.  Bring a large spoon...for the well, not the pie.

posted by Ariala on January 27, 2005 at 3:18 PM | link to this | reply

all right -- Columbia

posted by Xeno-x on January 27, 2005 at 3:09 PM | link to this | reply

never been there...and sounds like a redneck hell hole...

posted by Ariala on January 27, 2005 at 2:51 PM | link to this | reply

meet in Boonville?

posted by Xeno-x on January 27, 2005 at 2:49 PM | link to this | reply

thank you

posted by Xeno-x on January 27, 2005 at 2:48 PM | link to this | reply

painter, certainly

posted by Ariala on January 27, 2005 at 2:46 PM | link to this | reply

Empty -
I like it!

posted by sannhet on January 27, 2005 at 2:39 PM | link to this | reply

a la mode?

posted by Xeno-x on January 27, 2005 at 2:38 PM | link to this | reply

oh good grief!

posted by PastorB on January 27, 2005 at 2:34 PM | link to this | reply

The unforgiveable sin is the sin that goes unconfessed because the
person committing the sin doesn't consider it sinful.  They don't confess and therefore they grieve the Holy Spirit.  That's how I understand it.  Interesting twist you put on it about a pieace of cherry pie now?

posted by Ariala on January 27, 2005 at 2:28 PM | link to this | reply

Amen amen amen

That would just about close the book on it, because that's pretty much the way it is!

Good job, and give your dog a treat for me!

posted by David1Spirit on January 27, 2005 at 2:24 PM | link to this | reply