Comments on Gonzalez Confirmation Mere Formality

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Good post Saul

Great point about distinguishing between White House interests and the country as a whole. The reasoning of these people is beyond comprehension.

posted by Katray2 on January 9, 2005 at 9:27 AM | link to this | reply

No, Cynthia,

I did not know any of these things, which makes your point.  My ignorance aside, those confirming Mr. Gonzalez no doubt know the man's history, which would make confirming him an affront to many within and outside the borders of our country.  And shameful on their part.  But -- to date -- I haven't seen where Dubya or anyone in his posse have given a damn about what people think, domesticly and internationally, especially internationally, so his background comes as no small surprise.  Looks as if we're trading one Ashcroft for another.  And if Gonzalez defended Enron, well that shows you he has no ethics whatsoever. 

Thanks for the comment and enlightening me, Cynthia;  I was about to give the guy the benefit of the doubt.  Serves me right for not digging deeper. 

posted by saul_relative on January 7, 2005 at 3:35 PM | link to this | reply

Saul, Gonzales has an entire career that can be examined
that reveals something of the character of the man. Did you know he was the lead attorney in the defense of Enron? Did you know that he refused to pass on any evidence that would have exonerated people on death row in Texas while Bush was governor, which led to Texas putting to death more inmates in those years Bush was in office than any other state in the union and that some of those killed were proven innocent after it was too late? Did you know that about Gonzales? Do you think that other nations will think better of us now that we have an attorney general who not only thinks international law is dispensible, but is ythe architect of or torture policies? Do you think that will give us a bargining chip in the future when your son or daughter is captured by some enemy as prisoner of war?

GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!!! Does everyone have their head up their ass about this guy or what??????

posted by Cynthia on January 6, 2005 at 4:32 PM | link to this | reply