Comments on Say Whatever You Like, You're Protected

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People in America, poetkitty,

already have a pretty healthy distrust of the federal government.  They trust the government only so far as the government isn't interfering in their lives.  It's sort of like denial. 

But about the bullying.  Americans are already hated worldwide for just that and our I-can-be-a-big-protective-brother-or-I-can-pound-the-crap-out-of-you-if-you-piss-me-off-brother.  Its a do as we want directive aimed at the world, and there is resentment aplenty for it.  Most Americans are in denial about this argument also, thinking that world opinion is reflected by the America-bashing liberal media.  And then there is the contingent that hide behind the arrogance of might is right and a fuck-the-world, we're-saving-the-world's-ass mentality. 

posted by saul_relative on December 16, 2004 at 1:54 PM | link to this | reply

Thought Food
I'm a fan already.
Nice discourse here - I found myself being swayed as I read, because, as you so deftly pointed out, no charges were filed, no real harm done - so far as we can tell. I suppose it's OK to be safe, as long as we aren't going around calling people witches because they have freckles and blacklisting people we don't like through a veiled "anti-american" accusation. My worry, however, is that this kind of paranoia breeds that which we are trying to prevent - hatred for American; the viewpoint that we are bullies who will act out against anyone who ever dares speak against us, whoever they may be.

posted by poetkitty on December 15, 2004 at 7:53 PM | link to this | reply