Comments on Security Chief Resigns

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You're right, SlyCy,
but I think porous suggests that there is actually some impediment to someone crossing our borders or entering our country.  The border patrols and checkpoints are nominal.  With all that off-road country and all that shoreline, the term "nearly nonexistent" would be more apt.  The Defense Department ought to be glad that they have Iraq's borders to bitch about.  What kind of major bitch session would ensue if they had to secure just one of ours.

posted by saul_relative on December 1, 2004 at 4:33 PM | link to this | reply

Had we really tried to make the Homeland secure it would have
done more to safeguard us from terrorists than invading Iraq which just stirs up resentment from the Middle East.   Our borders are so pourous on both the Canadian and Mexican sides that people can float in and out at will and drop a bomb or two before they leave as unhindered as they came.

posted by SlyCy on December 1, 2004 at 7:30 AM | link to this | reply