Comments on Ever Wonder Why Alabama Always Ranks In Bottom Five States In Education?

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You know not of what you speak...
You have written off Alabama and written of hicks and hillbillies and rednecks, but that's not we all are here.  I'll admit, I've been ashamed of my state in the past as I've lived in different states and have heard their attitudes.  When I lived in North Carolina's capitol city, someone said "There are two states I've never been where I never want to go".  The two were Alabama and Mississippi.  I said, hey, there are some pretty places in Alabama, after all the sign at the state line says "Alabama the Beautiful", but she would not be convinced, she woul not believe there could be anything good from this state.  So I hung my head till I came back home, and I rediscoved the beauty, and when I came to the northern part of the state, I discovered the technology that exists, I mean, look at Huntsville, and the education, and I have a good job at a college library and make better than I could anywhere else than I know of.  And when I go home to see my family next week for the holidays, I will see the most beautiful "southern gateway to the appalachians" and be greeted by my loving siblings who my ex-husband from Mobile hatefully called hillbillies, and my nieces, their husbands, and great neices will come from a couple different cities to meet us all there, and I will be at home.  I'm not ashamed any longer.  Home is a beautiful place, and as I said, you know not of what you speak, or write.  Happy holidays anyway.   Bren

posted by Midi on December 21, 2008 at 6:47 PM | link to this | reply

And just so you know, Justsouno,

I wasn't referring to the overall racist aspect of the nation, just one particular cotton patch.  I have no beef witht the state of Alabama, just its backwardness in general.  And I agree that thousands seek higher education in Alabama, just as they do in West Virginia, Arkansas, and Mississippi, those other poor, maligned states.  But the continuing socio-economic problems in Alabama are a result of the ill education on the primary and secondary layers of education and ultraconservative benighted traditional values that is prevalent amongst the general population, which is educated primarily by the public school systems.  And those morons vote, far more so than those with a higher education.

I think you protest a bit too much.  And I believe that when a fixable problem exists, it should be fixed.  And it doesn't matter how beautiful your state is, nor how many Yankees have taken advantage of the state since Reconstruction.  It doesn't matter how racist New Jersey is or how much black-on-white/white-on-black crimes exist there when the topic was Alabama to begin with.     

Your insecurities are showing.  Don't be so defensive.  Help fix what's wrong with your state instead of defending it with the absurd idea that good manners is the standard by which all else should be judged.  Stop trying to preserve the notion of the victimized South.  That old horse has already been sold to the glue factory.  Alabama, as well as its poor sister states, would behoove itself by investing in its economic future first by investing in its children.  With proper internal guidance, other pieces of the puzzle will fall into place also.

Perpetuating social and cultural ignorance is not the way to go about bettering the general populace, but it does tend to keep the masses under control.  A fact is a fact, no matter if it is global or localized in Birmingham.  A better educated general populace leads to a stronger and more productive econmomy.  Look it up.  Hell, just compare Sweden with the Sudan, Japan with Iran.

Two points:  1) Just so you know, there, Billybob, I ain't no Yankee.  2)  If it is so important to you to defend Alabama's great education system, it would behoove you to invest in a dictionary and use proper syntax and sentence structure when doing so.  My post may have insulted you and yours, but your comment insulted my intelligence, logically and literarily.

Besides, I love Bocephus, and the Crimson Tide is my favorite college football team, so my infringement upon your southern sensibilities could be worse -- I could be Canadian and front a band called Crazy Horse and disparage you in song on one of the most listened to albums of all time.

posted by saul_relative on December 5, 2004 at 10:10 AM | link to this | reply

While your educated ignorance is pontificating you perhaps could look up the constitution of Alabama and see why this was so. It is rediculous but you sir, are an idiot. Why do you suppose we have people from every where coming here going into our Medical and Technilogocial centers like Birmingham and Huntsville. I live in one of the most beautiful places anywhere. Our schools here are excellent. We just can't understand why so many yankees pour in daily to take advantage of what we created while they thought we were barefooted and pregnant. We are no more racist than New Jersey or any place in the country. You go look up some of the horrors that have gone on in the North East between black and white. One of the most important attributes of the Alabamian is our respect for good manners and abhorence of such blatant blanketing of disrespect as your post is.

posted by Justi on December 2, 2004 at 9:25 PM | link to this | reply