Comments on Dear President Bush: Thank You For Adhering to the Bible's Teachings...

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And Another Thing...

...the real sexual problem in Rome, and in the world of today, is child rape.  Trafficking in children too young to know more than they need to be loved and nurtured, exploiting them, and then leaving them for dead.

Members of the Bush family have this predilection.  They're what's wrong with America and have been since the early 1900's. 

posted by Volaar on November 12, 2004 at 7:33 PM | link to this | reply

How Is...

...personally despising or abhorring who we think someone is, about, "feelings?"

Cognition is required in order to engage a prejudice.  Hating anyone is about thoughts and beliefs, not feelings.

Yes, I get the creepy-crawlies when I think another man is checking out my ass (the only thing left of my outward appearance that's even halfway worthy), but that has NOTHING to do with hating or abhorring another human being.  I'm having feelings that I am uncomfortable having because a perception creates dissonance between what I was taught to perceive and how to perceive it, and how reality actually is.

We need to quit blaming the faggots and the sapphos for the fall of the Roman Empire.  Rome fell because Caesar Neron was an ass drunk on the blood of his fellows -- and the left-over intoxicants in his own urine and feces.  Other people's legal and harmless sexual self-indulgence, however foreign or disgusting it may seem to me to be, is none of my business.  People get by in this life as best they can.  If God has issues with someone's behavior, He always has a way of letting them know in the slowly escalating fashion we all come to be familiar with.  But it is God working through His relationship with another individual to communicate the facts of the matter, not me.  I have no idea what it is like to live in someone else's skin.  I don't want anyone else's problems today.  So I refuse to take any of them on, no matter how great the temptation.

It helps that I do not believe AIDS to be a naturally occurring virus...I believe it was a virus engineered as an experiment in behavior modification and control.  The jerk-offs at Fort Detrick had no other minority worth picking on but the faggots, and so they let their evil ilk rip on the homosexual population.  Then along came SARS to further freak us out and keep us all divided and apart from each other.  9/11 just wasn't enough.  As long as Big Brother can keep us divided, he can exploit the use of fear to manipulate our behavior in any way he sees fit.  He knows we'd all rise up and raise holy hell if we could clearly see him imprisoning us.  So he uses lab-engineered viruses to accomplish the same end results.

If your God ain't big enough to handle a few genetic mutations of life on planet Earth, you have a God that ain't big enough to allow the human species to survive.  You and your God need to make room for a God that's big enough to love all of His Creations, not just the ones you and your ilk hand-pick for survival.




posted by Volaar on November 12, 2004 at 7:19 PM | link to this | reply


I'm not the burning Bush, but I too have a voice, and whether or not the Bible says Homos are an

a-bomb in nation

I personally despise and abhore them.  Ahem.  Hey, at least I'm honest about my feelings! 



posted by TARZANA on November 12, 2004 at 1:08 PM | link to this | reply

glad you did it
cent did it too

posted by Xeno-x on November 12, 2004 at 12:54 PM | link to this | reply