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whim et al
Please forgive my ranting. it was out of line. i still think that critiques are good way to learn. and maybe their should be separate one's for fiction and poetry. i would still like to participate. and if anyone would like to create a poetry circle for helpful criticism let me know. hks

posted by harryKstammer on May 30, 2003 at 10:42 AM | link to this | reply

let's move off ...
i agree, let's meet in a room off of washington blvd. so we can read and be critiqued. WHAT ABOUT, just being more honest in our assessment of other's works? like, 1. that was nice 2. your grammar sucks and here is why 3. try writing something that doesn't involve "I" 4. climb down out of the upstairs condo and just listen to how people actually talk and write it like they don't know what they are talking about 5. put on some high heel shoes and walk through a fountain/water cascade 6. read some marjorie perloff 7. stay home and sulk and then write about a character other than you... pinch, hit, and stroke. oh...

posted by harryKstammer on May 29, 2003 at 9:57 PM | link to this | reply

Fiction or non-fiction (articles), but I also don't know much about poetry. Do you think it would be better or easier to have a group through a mailing list instead of through BN?

posted by MollyB on May 29, 2003 at 5:58 PM | link to this | reply


I am not sure I agree that we get critical feedback now.  Although I enjoy hearing someone likes my work, I seldom hear things like "if you changed this part, it would make a stronger statement."  And, from comments and postings that went around a few weeks ago, many here would feel threatened to receive that type of comment.  By formalizing the request, we can open up our specific blogs to more critical comments. 

As far as fiction or non-fiction, I am up to opening it to all.

posted by Whim on May 29, 2003 at 3:25 PM | link to this | reply


I am not proposing that anyone be forced to critique everything.  But, I think if you received two or three critiques on your work, you should be able to find a couple among a group to reciprocate.  However, if there is interest, and this is the only hold up on getting started, I say we go with the concensus.

You are right, this would be good for any group.  My problem is I don't know diddley about poetry.  I either like it or don't.  Anything else, I can at least look at the mechanical aspects of writing and provide usefully input.

posted by Whim on May 29, 2003 at 3:20 PM | link to this | reply

I would think that excerpts from novels, long poems and short stories would be the way to go. Like developing characters and the other parts of story writing, improving dramatic irony, settings, etc.

posted by harryKstammer on May 29, 2003 at 2:17 PM | link to this | reply

Circle of Critiquers
I'd be up for it, too, but I'm not writing fiction.  I think that we get gratis critiques now, without formalizing it.  Good luck to you.  I've put the word out in chatgroups suggesting they take a peek over here, and maybe join the network to help write on the topic of decoding Shakespeare.  I'm still waiting for people to show up.  Next I'll be reading the BN advice page on advertising....I'd be glad to join, but I doubt that you all would care to read my first drafts of my book.  The one on Managing the Unconscious is a bit fictional....

posted by WindTapper on May 29, 2003 at 2:13 PM | link to this | reply

good for poetry also
Whim, this would be good for any section that would be considered creative writing. I agree with "each member would be required to provide one feedback for every one received," however I don't see how one can be forced to critique something they don't have an opinion about. It's like the writing classes I've taken, you submit a work to class and those in the class that have any idea how to critique the work critique it. I guess we could approach like playing cards, "Pass." and maybe next time you write something I can critique it. I think that this is an invaluable approach to better writing. hks

posted by harryKstammer on May 29, 2003 at 1:09 PM | link to this | reply