Go to Someday I shall take over the world, again.Add a commentGo to OKAY, SO WHO SENT THE FEDS AFTER ME?

I just wanted to get to bed at that point. My wife was the one concerned with why he was there.

Although we have learned the truth as to why he was there, it is just to rational so we'll stick with him working as a distraction for the Feds.

posted by kooka_lives on November 9, 2004 at 2:01 PM | link to this | reply

Too funny!

Kooka, you are a riot!  And to think that I've only just now discovered this particular blog of yours.  So why didn't you invite the cop in for some coffee so you could quiz him in the comfort of your living room?  You could have had him eating out of your hand. 


posted by JanesOpinion on November 9, 2004 at 1:44 PM | link to this | reply

The only super power I have is the ability to get whatever prize I desire from a cereal box. Not sure how taht will help me deal with the Feds

posted by kooka_lives on November 6, 2004 at 10:58 AM | link to this | reply

As long as the wife isn't around.  :::looks about nervously:::

posted by roofpig on November 6, 2004 at 10:57 AM | link to this | reply

What about big sister? Can she put her hands in your pants?

posted by kooka_lives on November 6, 2004 at 10:56 AM | link to this | reply

I wouldn't doubt it.  Big brother has his hands in everything.  Thankfully they haven't been in my pants yet.

posted by roofpig on November 6, 2004 at 10:51 AM | link to this | reply

Well, kooka.  I'm sure your super powers will prevail.

posted by TARZANA on November 6, 2004 at 10:38 AM | link to this | reply


posted by calmcantey75 on November 6, 2004 at 10:30 AM | link to this | reply