Comments on Okay I'm over my initial response ...

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It's not necessarily that I think you should just start writing as a career dear......that's not very practical.  I think you should STOP doing retail as a career, which leaves about a million other things to do while you are perfecting your art and getting that book written.  You do have training in other fields, though most of your experience is in retail.  I think the job you talked to your other friend about would be great.  It is retail, but for some reason it doesn't seem as high pressure to me as the one you have now.  I don't think it's funny that another store you worked in closed down, but like your boyfriend, I laughed when you told me, and I apologize for that......I was laughing out of total's just so incomprehensible that this would happen yet again.

You are right though, upper management does not give a hoot about what is going on in the trenches.  Perhaps there are a couple people up there who realize that the people doing the work are the ones who know what is going on, but they are so few they can't do anything about it.  The bottom line is money.  If it's not making money they wanna get rid of it quickly......they do not want to put more money into it in the hopes of changing things, cause what if that doesn't work and they've lost more money.  It's just the way it is.  It's almost an exercise in futility to try and change it......which is a negative attitude I realize, but hey, there is upper management in my field as well and they are just as blind.  I can bang my head against a wall and torment myself about how stupid they are (which I do from time to time to remind myself how futile it is) or I can remember that it's just a job and is not who I am. 

Remember, you are doing great things.  You are irreplaceable.  There is no one in the world like you and it is the company who loses, not you.  I realize that won't pay the bills or feed the cats....but you will find another source of income to sustain you until you get that book written.  It will work out.  You do have talent, in many different areas, all is not lost. 


posted by desertsong on May 24, 2003 at 2:04 PM | link to this | reply