Comments on equal pay for equal play

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If the infrastructure is of a nature where that sort of activity will blanket it, then it ought to be curtailed. But the more I learn about how the technical side works and the varying options in arranging a website and displaying it, the more I distrust my leanings. Currently I am concerned that the BN will fail to acheive and sustain structure, membership and blogs to meet it's vision and mission (and coincidentally make it a less pleasurable place for those who don't like the Written Wrestling Federation) if a small number of us monopolize it by the nature of its structure. The questions are (1) Am I right? and (2) Is it any of my business?

An analogy. In the earliest days of commercial radio, ANYONE could go into business who could afford any transmitter. In the areas of the U.S. where there was electricity then (early 1920's) at the time when the F.C.C. was begun, there were over 700-plus commercial radio stations, running any amount of power they wanted, switching frequencies ad lib, bumping other stations, taking advntage of the nightime tropospheric "skip". You didn't need sponsors, you owned your own radio station so you could advertise your own company, store, religion, snake oil, or lemonade stand.The F.C.C. took over, and soon there was order to the process, and about 690 stations bit the dust, but those left could depend on their getting their competitive fair share of the market without unfair competition.

Enough of me. MHW had it right, we just need to spend more time blogging, less time schmoozing around the water cooler, and let the ringmasters run the place. I hope they are up to it. (Good luck, guys! I was only kiddi&#%*%(&#.........................................)


posted by majroj on May 22, 2003 at 8:13 PM | link to this | reply