Comments on So Howcum 1 + 1 = 666?

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Really good stuff.
Where were you when I needed to take statistics?  I would have been a Psych major but couldn't deal with the math.

posted by mycml56 on August 20, 2004 at 6:59 AM | link to this | reply


Nope.  Seaside, California for the portion I was describing in that little ditty.  Friggin' paradise.  But I can say that with confidence now only because I've spent the last ten years in Texas.  Cleansing the palate, I guess.

I just always identified really strongly with Jewish angst.  My creative writing teacher in High School gave me Phillip Roth to read and I enjoyed the hell out of it.  I had a comedian from LA cross my path for about two years on a fairly consistent basis and we became fast friends.  He's out of my world right now, but I don't think I've ever met anyone whose timing was more perfect, whose angst was so like mine.  Mark Schiff.  He's on the web if you want to check him out.

I think the reason the world has tended to pick on Jews is because they are clannish and they have hung together for many thousands of years.  Long enough to figure out what is true about this life and what is complete and utter horseshit.  So it's like living in a different world.  What people still have to learn and go through many Jews simply learn growing up in a Jewish home.  My experience with being on the outside looking in is that your mere presence pisses people off.  It forces them to look at themselves in a way that challenges their perception and interpretation of time and space.  And what those things are for.  Real and imagined.  Drives people up the wall.

I think it is significant that Jesus was a Jew and that he grew up as a bastard in a tightly knit community where people regularly came to kick the shit out of each other.  For his time, he was surrounded by suffering and likely felt all of it.  Drove him to find the answers within himself.  He was ahead of his time.  Too far ahead as the evidence shows.  Nobody likes a smartass, especially when everyone is climbing up everyone else's behind to a get a clue.

I think the Jews are simply scapegoats to serve as a distraction for the telling of the real story of Jesus' torture and execution.  The real story wasn't about Jews killing Jesus.  Jews just happened to be the ones who were there.  The real story was about class warfare and what happens when you try to assume your rightful position in the world based on merit rather than on whom your family turns out to be.  Jesus took on the power structure and the power structure turned its attention to him.  It wasn't a story about Jews killing Jews but of where the human ego goes and what it is willing to do to preserve its lock on the reality of individuals.

Only rich people owned printing presses and scribes so only the rich people's story has ever been told.  Rich people don't want to tell a story, however subtly nuanced, about why people in authority should be held to higher standards of behavior than everyone else.  Rich people want to make the story of the failure of humanity to nurture itself about how one out-group f*ked it all up for everyone else.  Simple, clean and easy to force feed to the rest of humanity.  And it turns the attention neatly away from the priviledged classes' inability to lead other human beings constructively towards a goal.

Sure I'm pissed at Israel and the Mossad.  I'm pissed at the CIA.  They were all inflitrated by the Nazi SS as part of Operation Paperclip at the close of WWII.  And they went right to the priviledged classes to do their recruiting, which is why there are still rich people behind so much of the skulduggery in this world.  They saw this opportunity to use Israel as a whipping boy and a straw man while the rest of the money went to steal the oil out from under the Arabs.  Planting Israel in the middle east was a total setup by Prescott Bush and the rest of the ruling elite that guaranteed conflict and distraction.  Where there's conflict, there is money to be made.  The interpretation of Revelations to be about the Jews returning to Zion was an afterthought that has been skillfully placed in the collective unconscious since the 1960's and 70's so as to create this generation of religious zealots who think they have the inside track on the whole ball of wax.  They're being manipulated and used for the purpose of stealing oil from the Arabs and allowing the rich elites to retain their hold on global power...for the good of the human species, of course.  Cough, cough.

Old money.  Old love.  I wish they'd just leave us all alone.



posted by Volaar on August 17, 2004 at 7:59 AM | link to this | reply

New York Jews
I'm from New York and I am 1/4 Jewish and I tell you that the Jewish genes just lord over the rest of the package. It's rather odd.  I even sound Jewish.  I am angry at Israel.  What they are doing to the Palestinians is an atrocity.  Where did you grown up? Flatbush?  What is it called where the Brooklyn Museum of Art is?  I'm from Queens. Hated it.

posted by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on August 16, 2004 at 9:55 PM | link to this | reply