Comments on The Necessity of War

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Let's See...

...there was a breather after the end of the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812.  Then there was a breather until the 1860's when we had the Civil War.  After that we pretty much pledged to kicking the snot out of people outside of our own borders.

Oh...wait a second.  When we weren't kicking the snot out of each other, we were slaughtering Indians and other indigenous peoples. 

So we have the gap between the end of the Civil War and WWI.  Except for lynchings.  Then there was 20 years or so after the end of that war and the beginning of WWII.  Then there was Korea, VietNam and Central America in fairly rapid succession.

One GOOD thing about Mel Gibson's moviemaking is that it awakened in me the sense of the kind of trauma that was the Revolutionary War.  People pass that mentality on to their children -- it's unavoidable.  It takes several generations before the scourge is diluted enough, and the family lineage is strong enough, to produce the Oberman who puts this crap to bed.  In the case of my family, however, the focus required to perform this feat negated my ability to produce offspring.

Break out of the cycle?  First we have to throw the warrior bastards off the planet.  That means hunting down every member of Skull and Bones, every blue-blooded family member, and at least extinguishing their ability to reproduce.  We can not allow the mentality that demands that there be pure, unbridled capitalism to continue to occupy the same space and breathe the same air as the rest of us have to breathe.  Peter the Great conducted an analogous purge of this sort in Russia, but I'm not sure we can do that without creating what we are defending against. 

But the bottom line here is that these rat-bastards REFUSE to learn from history.  They refuse to accept the educated view of history.  For these idiots, black people are sub-human because they are black, poor people are poor because they are morons, and our Creator intended us to decide the outcome of everything on this planet via conflict, war and resolution of some sort or other.  It is a Luciferian world view that makes sensory perception the crucial test of reality.  Totally Spartan and ultimately very depressing.

Basically, the Luciferian world view has us being born to live lives devoid of any meaning other than the meaning assigned to us by the ruling elite.  They socialize us to value a whole host of other illusions that are also devoid of meaning, then we are asked to continue to support this march until we come to lose everything we have ever been taught to value, right down to our very human existence.  Lovely.

In the Luciferian worldview the only point is who kicks whose ass, and who is in charge.  There is no point to compromise and no point to negotiation of any kind.  Like religion, negotiation and peace are the opiates of the great unwashed masses.

A more enlightened perspective would suggest that in order for life to exist at all it had to be in place for all eternity.  The spontaneous generation of the building blocks of any life form makes absolutely no sense and is impossible.  Therefore, the ultimate reality is what life is all about and it is through gradual identification with this ultimate reality that all meaning, understanding and truth is derived. 

To the Luciferians this worldview is insane.

To the enlightened, the Luciferian worldview is insane.

Clearly one of us is correct and the other is quite ill.  But in the meantime, we can not communicate very effectively with each other because our words do not have the same meaning to us as they do to our sicker shipmates.

Until this last, final judgment is made by whatever life form is left on this planet, we can not evolve forward.  And this final judgement actually IS the last judgment because it puts the concept of evil and sin to bed and places learning and mistakes in their stead.  Or we keep evil and sin and witness to our own self destruction.

Not alot of fun, not easy, but it is all very, very simple.  It's not rocket science.  We either believe that there is a point to Love, or we believe that this whole exercise is pointless to the degree that I allow you, or anyone, to dictate in any way, shape or form my actions, my motives, or any constituents thereof -- ba-bye.

posted by Volaar on August 10, 2004 at 2:53 PM | link to this | reply

i've heard it before that somehow there has to be a cycle of sorts where there's a sort of breather and we don't go to war (even we who don't want war basically go to war with the rest of us in one way or another) and then a generation has to send us to war again.

you think maybe we can break out of this cycle?

the U.S. was built on war, seemed to have thrived on war.  Can anyone tell me when there really has been a period when we haven't sent our young people to die somewhere?

posted by Xeno-x on August 10, 2004 at 1:01 PM | link to this | reply