Comments on The Last Twenty Years - Part II

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To me...

...the death penalty is a lot of things, and none of those things are right.

It's lowering ourselves to the standard of solving our problems by killing people--the very thing for which we're killing these people.  We've got to go by a higher standard if we want to have the standards of society raised.

It murders innocent people at times.  How many times, I'm not sure, but one time is too many.

It's a cop-out--a kind of cover-up, if you will.  When we turn our heads while someone is slipping through the cracks--and that person finally forces our attention by becoming a murderer--we attempt to cover-up our neglect of a person by taking no responsibility for getting him/her to the place that led to his/her execution.  Instead, we murder that person in a legal way, which is like sweeping him/her under the carpet permanently.

KindlyRemove Any Blinders At The Door, Thank You!

posted by Ainsley_Jo_Phillips on January 19, 2006 at 5:47 AM | link to this | reply

The whole issue of the death penalty is a perplexing one for me. In Tennessee there's a case about a guy on death row who killed a cop. He's going to be executed, but James Earl Ray died in prison. While I doubt that I should say that one person's life is more valuable than another's, well, sometimes, I think it is. Why does a cop killer get the death penalty when the guy who kills MLK gets life? If you don't execute James Earl Ray, then who do you execute? (The guy who killed the cop is white too, so we can't fall back on the race think in this instance.) It's a screwed up system and doesn't serve as a deterent. Why? Because people who commit the death penalty crimes (or any for that matter) don't plan on getting caught. In general, the eye for an eye thing doesn't bother me, but until the whole criminal justice system is proven infallable (a day that will never come), I can't agree with the death penalty.  

posted by Talion on August 1, 2004 at 7:25 PM | link to this | reply