Comments on I don't think Bush & Blair lied either.

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It's the Carlyle Group
It's the Carlyle Group.  It's the Carlyle Group.  It's the Carlyle Group.....

posted by sarwood on August 9, 2004 at 7:11 AM | link to this | reply

I have found my people.
Hallelujah!  Up with the people!  I was beginning to misunderestimate the whole populace after viewing some of Bush's popularity ratings.

posted by tornadogirl on August 4, 2004 at 6:09 AM | link to this | reply

Am I the only 1 who sees a clear conflict of interest
with Halliburton working for Cheney and Bush in Iraq ?

OF ALL the corporations there are, WHY is it that Halliburton
got the job ? Just tell me why

posted by David_S on August 1, 2004 at 9:55 AM | link to this | reply

The buck stops at the top
That guy doesn't take responisbility for anything
Personal life or business life

The buck stops at the top and he still blames someone else

posted by David_S on August 1, 2004 at 9:52 AM | link to this | reply

Inept or liars?
I've always considered W. in the same framework as Kenneth Lay: they know how to smooze and talk a good game and they purposely divorce themselves from the "details," but their manner and broad rhetoric tell everyone around them what results they want. And the people who give the Bush Admin. they want are rewarded; others punished (sometimes quite severely) -- and always ridiculed. But in the end, if things go wrong -- well, they didn't know how people got the idea that that would be okay. Just drives you crazy doesn't it? As for Blair -- I keep in mind that Britain was responsible for structuring Iraq (under Churchill)and for placing the Jews in Israel after WWII (the purpose being to have a friendly ally in a region rich with oil)..... their historical investment in the Middle East is huge. Blair was no doubt extremely grateful that Bush would do his dirty work for him, since Britain is virtually impotent when it comes to big military expeditions. The Brits have always depended upon global resources to fuel their small island kingdom.

posted by sarwood on July 31, 2004 at 10:37 AM | link to this | reply

Inept or liars?
I've always considered W. in the same framework as Kenneth Lay: they know how to smooze and talk a good game and they purposely divorce themselves from the "details," but their manner and broad rhetoric tell everyone around them what results they want. And the people who give the Bush Admin. they want are rewarded; others punished (sometimes quite severely) -- and always ridiculed. But in the end, if things go wrong -- well, they didn't know how people got the idea that that would be okay. Just drives you crazy doesn't it? As for Blair -- I keep in mind that Britain was responsible for structuring Iraq (under Churchill)and for placing the Jews in Israel after WWII (the purpose being to have a friendly ally in a region rich with oil)..... their historical investment in the Middle East is huge. Blair was no doubt extremely grateful that Bush would do his dirty work for him, since Britain is virtually impotent when it comes to big military expeditions. The Brits have always depended upon global resources to fuel their small island kingdom.

posted by sarwood on July 31, 2004 at 10:37 AM | link to this | reply

Cheny headed his own committee on CIA info over Iraq

...and insiders say he was a screaming, cursing lunatic when the intelligence was "weak".  The pressure was enormous.  Remember, I am married to a Republican Fed who hears so much troubling 'gossip', and when later, it signifies, we look at each other and go, "Whoa...."

Bush is brain damaged and does a Cheney tells him.

But Blair....someone, explain Blair.  That poor guy.   Maybe he just didn't want to create a rift between the US and Britain and so he needed to believe. But if I knew what was afoot since 1998 and just from reading Harper's and The New York Review of Books....Blair had to have known Iraq was bogus and dangerous.

posted by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on July 28, 2004 at 4:57 PM | link to this | reply

I think Bush himself did lie.  He wanted to go into Iraq to get his daddy's respect from the get go, and he was willing to use any excuse to do it.  So he used the bogus WMD excuse and got the UN inspectors kicked out, because he knew they would have found no WMD (and he couldn't afford to let them do that and lose his reason for the invasion).  He certainly got encouragement from his war-hungry advisors, but he was enthusiastic about it too.  And even if I'm wrong and he wasn't given the whole truth and acted based on bogus information, he still lied, because the buck is supposed to stop with him as president.  As for Blair, I don't know.  He seems curiously naive for being such a smart politician. 

posted by lonebutte on July 28, 2004 at 9:57 AM | link to this | reply