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I shouldn't do this, but...
when I say "mother jones" I about died laughing. So I'm going to fill you in with some facts that mother has not told you.

At this point we now have four independent sources that say there was no lying by President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair regarding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. 1. The 9/11 commission, 2. the Senate Intelligence Committee, 3. Lord Butler's British investigation and 4. Vladimir Putin have all stated that the WMD intelligence was faulty but the politicians did nothing untoward.

They DID NOT lie! In fact it is Democrats who DID LIE and are STILL lying!

Imagine if Bush had ignored the CIA assertion that Saddam had anthrax and other substances. If Al Qaeda had attacked us with deadly weapons from Baghdad, and Bush had rejected intelligence about WMDs, he would have gone down in history as the incompetent of all time. Why did Clinton claim in 1998 that Saddam had WMD'S?

Did you believe Clinton? YES, you did! So why not Bush? If one was wrong, they were both wrong!

SEE THIS EVIDENCE OF CLINTON'S Incompetence... PDB 12/4/1998, Bin Ladin Preparing To Hijack US Aircraft And Other Attacks

Based on intelligence, Bush had to confront Saddam. He tried to work within the framework of the United Nations. But it was obvious the UN would procrastinate as long as possible, as it is doing now in Sudan.

What would you have done if you were Bush? You are told by U.S. and British intelligence that a brutal dictator had WMDs and had supported terrorism all over the Mideast. Known terrorists, including Bin Laden pal Abu Musab al-Zarqawi were living in Iraq. And you sit there while Hans Blix runs around the desert? Come on. Bush could have delayed the inevitable, but, ultimately, he had to act.

If you don't or won't accept that, then you're brainwashed beyond repair, Westwend!


posted by DEMSareEVIL on July 26, 2004 at 11:33 PM | link to this | reply