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love it

yeah, i am trying to decided what to do here

i do love southern cal-really do--can't beat the weather, the beach, LA, etc. but I am weary of high prices.

Paid $435 for our house 2 years ago and the payment is killing me, especially when I hate my job.

So?????  What to do????  I could buy a house cash in Missouri, Oregon or lots of other places....found a little cottage in Springfield Missouri for $48 K!!!  But there are those humid summer nights, and tornadoes?????

posted by poetjpb on July 25, 2004 at 10:17 AM | link to this | reply

I'm workin' so long...

tryin' to get loose

of that SB throng

but it just won't let me go

tired of the life on the coast

gone inland

where I get the most

for my money.

How ya doin'?

posted by jimmy68 on July 25, 2004 at 12:32 AM | link to this | reply