Comments on Did Sadaam pose a threat to America and Americans, or not?

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Westwend, our support of the Chinese regime without calling it on its human rights violations or demanding freedom for Tibet and an end to the intimidation of Taiwan is one of my few gripes about the Bush administration. One of the few things that they do no better than Clinton did.

lonebutte, you're partly right. I used to be terribly naive. I used to think we were always the greedy bad guys and that foreign regimes (like Sadaam's) were always benevolent and innocent. I wised up about 20 years ago, about 15 years too late. Thanks for your concern.

posted by WriterofLight on July 8, 2004 at 5:58 PM | link to this | reply

our oil under his sand

The only reason Saddam was a threat to America was that the inconsiderate brute wouldn't let us get to OUR oil under HIS sand.  Are you really as naive as you sound? 

posted by lonebutte on July 6, 2004 at 1:35 PM | link to this | reply

problem is

you can apply these points to a lot of countries

but they are our "friends", or at most, we look the other way -- like we did when Saddam gassed the Kurds --

of course there's China -- our "friends"

who said they will attack the US 6th? fleet if they come between them and an invasion of  Taiwan

and are in the process of aiming about 100 nuclear tipped ICBM's at the U.S.

but they're our friends because they make our wealthy even wealthier.

posted by Xeno-x on July 6, 2004 at 9:41 AM | link to this | reply

Good points...
Yes, Saddam was indeed a real threat to America. He did in fact possess WMD's that are still in being found in Iraq now, but which the majority of were sent to Syria and Iran. Terrorists want to get them before we do so they can use them on us and/or our troops. Democrats want to play politics with them by denying president Bush of those facts that justify his actions taken on behalf of the American people.

Iran is playing some major games now and threatening the world with Nukes. The question is if we will wait until after the elections to deal with Iran, or if al Qaeda will attack us before the elections as they've promised. Should be a very interesting last-half of summer, eh?


posted by DEMSareEVIL on July 5, 2004 at 10:45 PM | link to this | reply