Comments on Seven minutes in a classroom

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Thanks for reading! My comments on the comments:

First, Moore is no more a man of the people than is John Kerry.

Second, what just kills me about this whole thing is the blame-Bush-for-September 11th mentality. Do any of you Bush-bashers think the terrorists are responsible and should be punished? I seriously doubt Moore does, hence my speculation over his reaction to the attacks. To me, this whole attitude is typical of the blame-somebody-in-power syndrome that's taken hold of our thinking. Fanatics slaughter nearly 3,000 people and destroy the World Trade Center and part of the Pentagon, and all you people can do is blame the President. C'mon, folks. That's as disingenuous as blaming carmakers for drunk driving accidents. You're turning energy from where it needs to be directed, at the eradication of terrorism.

Third, go ahead and see the movie, and do it with an open mind. But if you do, listen to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, and examine the articles on, with the same open mind, so that you get a balanced view from both sides of spectrum. A fair and honest appraisal of all sides of the issues presented will quickly expose the movie as fraudulent and misleading.


posted by WriterofLight on June 27, 2004 at 5:37 PM | link to this | reply

WriterofLight --- I have always had problems with people like Micheal Moore
Those that are critics with no solutions. In his case portraying himself as a simple blue collar person while his corporation rakes in millions from his latest controversial film.

posted by gomedome on June 27, 2004 at 2:13 PM | link to this | reply

I need to see the film too.

I've been reading Yahoo user reviews and even some diehard Republicans seem to be affected by this movie. It's getting rave reviews and has passionate believers. On the other hand,"propaganda" films that are done to support one side or the other can be incredibly compelling because they omit a world of positives from the other side.

It would be easy to create another movie that would make the lovers of this film hate Michael Moore and his work. It would be easy to make a film that would make people hate Kerry. He's really done some amazingly "anti-American" things - or at the very least things that could be easily presented  to make him appear like a traitor. At least two meetings with the N. Vietnamese while he was in the anit-war movement in the U.S.  And then meetings with pro-communists in Central America a short time later???...Wow.

I think you could make a film about Kerry that would make him lose 65% to 35% in November. But that doesn't mean it would be fair and balanced.

I think we must be careful when somebody says, "Let me show you my movie about this man I hate"......It's not going to treat hin fairly....or you fairly IMHO.

Thanks for the piece. It's a hot topic right now, and this is just my .02 worth.


posted by Subpenny1 on June 26, 2004 at 9:53 PM | link to this | reply

Bush sucks

but Moore tends to preach to the converted.  I can't comment further til i've seen the film.  The concern I have is that Bush and his team decided to continue with the visit -- before he started reading -- even after reports came in about a plane hitting the north tower. No one put two and two together and thought "terrorist attack" even though they'd read the PDB about bin Laden's possible attack and hijacking of planes and here the one building on US soil attacked by foreign terrorists is attacked again.  That kinda bugs me.

I do think Gore's response would not have been all that different. Just a hunch. tg

posted by tbgroucho on June 26, 2004 at 4:45 PM | link to this | reply

you didn't see it, did you?

In the movie Michael Moore tells us how he lost a friend who was on one of the hijacked flights. As someone whose family suffered personal loss on 9/11, I can assure you that Moore was not rubbing his hands with glee.

When Bush sat in that classroom looking blank for 7 minutes, there were two other hijacked planes heading for their targets. In those 7 minutes, Bush needed to scramble fighter jets and get them over NYC and the White House so that the jets could shoot those hijacked planes down before they killed more.  Bush did nothing. And Bush didn't sit for 7 minutes. After "My Pet Goat", he went into an empty room where he sat and did nothing for another 30 minutes.  Moore could have shown that, but he didn't.

Go see the movie and then try to explain away all the footage Moore has. Thank God there are people like Moore with the courage to challenge this Administration and their motives.

posted by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on June 25, 2004 at 11:38 PM | link to this | reply