Comments on I’m Just An Immaterial Girl, Living In A Flea Bitten World

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Great last paragraph...
it ties up all those snapshots into just one picture.  It is like a collage.

posted by Friar__Tuck on June 22, 2004 at 2:56 AM | link to this | reply

yup !!!

posted by benzinha on June 21, 2004 at 1:12 PM | link to this | reply


posted by majroj on June 21, 2004 at 7:34 AM | link to this | reply

Rage is fun, isn't it? I've actually sung with a lot of people who have a better voice than Madonna's-- I guess tied up with this is a whole lot of frustration that sometimes true talent just doesn't get a break.  Looking forward to the day that frustration turns to amusement :)

posted by LadyKenobi on June 20, 2004 at 11:03 AM | link to this | reply

"Madonna", Esther, whatever...

1. She actually has/had a very passable voice.

2. She is in show bizness. She (like Cher) is acting perfectly to pursue her chosen trade...self-promotion. Must be scarey, if you are sane, that you and your retinue all depend upon YOU.

I'll drop the role model rap, that's getting old, and the kids don't emulate her anymore.


posted by majroj on June 19, 2004 at 10:26 PM | link to this | reply

LadyKenobi, take away the pretentious label and I think you're speaking

of me and you, angel baby......but not the rest or end of your comment. We only subject readers and friends to our inconsistencies and brilliance and frustrate the hell out of ourselves and them. Genius has its downsides.....I'm wandering on the edges of the darker side right now and hanging in there; may we all succeed at finding our 'lighter' side.

I understand that you take other people's idiocies personally and I don't. I am just amused by it all in my old age. Rage against the machine while you are young as the rage subsides with aging.

posted by benzinha on June 19, 2004 at 1:23 PM | link to this | reply


I really don't think I owe this woman any apologies.  She was well in the US the time I've heard her interviewed recently, and frankly her accent is but the smallest problem I have with her.  This woman is a pretentious, mixed-up, full-of-herself mess.  If apologies are necesessary, I think we've all got one coming from her for subjecting us to her idiocy.


posted by LadyKenobi on June 19, 2004 at 8:08 AM | link to this | reply

Sue, I would love to dance with you, dancing is my only exercise.

posted by benzinha on June 19, 2004 at 3:22 AM | link to this | reply

Young Lady, Mistress Kenobi, you are so harsh a judge. My father's accent

when speaking was as strong as the person's With Whom he was speaking. So embarrassing, especially if they were German, he'd start clicking his heels together, supposedly inadvertently, and have to hold his arm down not to salute. His German American boss thought that he was funny, but I was humiliated, so I KNOW about irritable accent syndrome.....but while living overseas, it is best to imitate the accent and vocabulary of those around you to be better accepted. It's a fact. You would do it, too. You would. I would, too and I'm perfect.

And, it's not that Madonna is trying to do it all, we should all TRY to do it all, no? It's that she's reached that ackward half mom/ half sex goddess stage in her life. I know, I've been there myself !! Sure I have, and so, I know how difficult it is for her to think sex goddess with kids in the wings, whining.

You do make me laugh with your comments, however, and I accept you just as you are because you're young, without whining kids in the wings while you strip off your clothing onstage and you haven't tried, as yet, to be accepted by British society while living over there for years......once you do, come back here and apologize. OK?

posted by benzinha on June 19, 2004 at 3:19 AM | link to this | reply

accent, I meant, accent....
I hate when that happens!

posted by Temple on June 18, 2004 at 8:33 PM | link to this | reply

I think her accident might not be fake.

I pick them up so easily, my friends tease me because I sound like Billy.  I'm not from Tennessee, so there ya go.  I've never been a Madonna fan, but her ticket sales could also be down because she might finally have found happiness and doesn't feel the drive to work obscessively all the time. 

Fleas are the worst.  We don't have them in Denver, so coming back to San Diego we're on the lookout.  My angel grandma kitty used to try and escape them by doing "broco kitty" leaps across the room.  Poor thing, that was before it got easy with just a little Frontline on the neck.  Dips and baths and trips to the vet.  I'm allergic to them too and they looooooove me.  Eeeeesh.  But, even so, Zhu Zhu sounds like a love.  A dream puppy to hang out with.  Tell him hi for me. :)

posted by Temple on June 18, 2004 at 7:17 PM | link to this | reply

B, the Dutch Masters and others used their version of a digital camera.

I KNOW you know about the "camera obscura"!

T, if you want to practice drawing, get some cheap clear document protectors; a big mirror, at least 12 by 12 inches; a window; a very fine point Sharpee marker; and some tape. Split the document protector into two pages, fasten onto the mirror (for self-portraits) or the window (for landscapes), and trace away. Fastest way to learn perspective, shading. AND, you can reuse the clear plastic by washing off with alcohol, or trace the sketch onto paper to work that way.

But my doggies still look like horsees.

posted by majroj on June 18, 2004 at 3:26 PM | link to this | reply

Perhaps "Esther's" ticket sales are down

because she's a shrill, laughable parody of herself who drags her clothes off with one hand and writes children's books with the other.  My favorite part of this latest persona is the fake British accent. I think she is a very sad person.

Still and all, I'm very impressed you've got the verses to "Material Girl" down :)

posted by LadyKenobi on June 18, 2004 at 2:10 PM | link to this | reply

Yes, life is beautiful.......come dance with me.......

posted by Star5_ on June 18, 2004 at 1:48 PM | link to this | reply

Sue, life is beautiful and sings a lovely song.......

posted by benzinha on June 18, 2004 at 1:43 PM | link to this | reply

Talion, all old styles become new again, if we wait. Photography, I'm

jealous. I'm a terrible photographer and wish that it were not so. I am a 'folk artist' when painting, meaning that I'm really untrained. I was taught to mix oil paints well and to paint with palette knives on wood in a sweat shop making 35 small paintings a day. Full training there. Now, I use acrylics on canvas and brushes.

What I do, as a folk artist, is to cheat. I take my photos, blow them up on the computer, print them out, put carbon paper underneath them on top of the canvas and then draw the lines from the photo onto the canvas. I Though I can draw very well, my only artistic talent, these are customers of the barbershop and they will want to recognize themselves.

I rarely rarely shade my colors except upon the faces and use mostly one color to show the barber wrap and maybe two together on the brush to show 'salt and pepper' colored hair. I do a pretty good job of simple painting and no one knows how much I cheat except everyone in my family and now you guys. The title 'folk artist' forgives my shortcomings, but my work does sell on eBay sometimes.

Photography is something that I work at and fail at, but don't stop doing. May your 'fro never date you and may your double earrings never go out of date, either.

posted by benzinha on June 18, 2004 at 1:43 PM | link to this | reply

life has it's own tune, but of course, life is beautiful and l love it.....

posted by Star5_ on June 18, 2004 at 1:29 PM | link to this | reply


I've always wanted to paint and/or draw, but I could never transcribe the image in my head onto the paper. I don't have the talent to reproduce it. My search for my inner artist led me to photography, which was perfect because what I ended up with was exactly what I say. I specialized in photographing people, especially candid shots where I attempted to capture them in a moment that the world sees them, not the posed format of how they would wish to be seen. I was pretty good at it. I would post my work, but I dare not put others' faces all over the internet. Oh, well.

I haven't had a fade in years. I've always worn my hair too long and continue to do so. A renewed interest in the afro now means I'm not completely out of style. At least for the time being.

posted by Talion on June 18, 2004 at 1:28 PM | link to this | reply

msaries, maybe I could make mermaid costumes for a living !!??!!

posted by benzinha on June 18, 2004 at 1:26 PM | link to this | reply

Benz, when you find your mermaid costume, see if there's one in a 22.

posted by msaries on June 18, 2004 at 1:21 PM | link to this | reply