worst thing

We adhere to dictionary standards.  Dictionaries bring life into sharp focus.  Try one.  You'll love it.  Very often compound situations require compound definitions. 

posted by attax on June 11, 2004 at 11:39 PM | link to this | reply

attax, I understand that it is lethal to your community, but now becomes

lethal to all communities. I agree with shavonne in that BET has failed to use itself well, to build up its target audience with more regularity rather than to perpetuate or even increase the presence of garbage on television. I am disappointed.

I am, however, also disappointed with the 'Latino' stations which really have a captive audience of possibly non-English speaking viewers and who waste their viewers' time putting candy garbage on the screens more often than not. Their news programs are more comprehensive than, I shall say, Anglo television. If I want to know what really happened in the world each day, I look to their news for added global and more fully fleshed out coverage.

'Anglo' television, which bragged when television was first born that it would elucidate, uplift, teach, open doors and windows of understanding and otherwise act as a teaching parent or grandparent to the nation, failed miserably to stay the planned course. Polls, ratings, commercial advertising and 'focus groups' guide their choices and they always seem to appeal to the lowest common denominator available.

It is politically lethal because it 'puts a spin' on its coverage, socially lethal because it teaches common rather than uncommon behaviors, ethically lethal because it accepts all behaviors and dismisses them as unavoidable and 'only human', and spiritually and morally lethal because it rarely shows the 'good' in people (speaking only of their failures and foolishness and crimes) in its overall presentation of programming. And what kills me is that they seem to do all of this so very casually and thoughtlessly. Television as an institution just stinks.

When I said that you caused me 'brain cramping', I meant your chosen writing style and not your subject matter. It was your compounding of multi-definitioned words that made me have to read your posts three times to guess at 'your' choice of meaning for each particular word chosen and written by you. Words can, and often do, mean different things to different readers. Sorry if I wasn't clearer.

P.S. I Always return to the comment's sections where I have left comments to see if they have been answered by the author of the post. And, if they answer me, I sometimes return to answer their comment again.

posted by benzinha on June 11, 2004 at 11:16 PM | link to this | reply

I agree with 100 percent, though benzinha has a point that this post could relate to any ethnic group. 

I hate BET as well.  It's degrading and a waste of time. 

Thanks for wishing me well for my surgery.  I'm alive!

posted by Shavonne on June 11, 2004 at 2:40 PM | link to this | reply


Your point is well-taken with the reservation that Dr. Drive By's 'brain cramping' is what she calls elucidation.  Other ethnicities in America's wonderful tent may very well exhibit any number of  pathologies we've discovered.  The difference?  When these diseases occur in African America they are devastating to this 'culture' if not lethal.





posted by attax on June 10, 2004 at 11:38 AM | link to this | reply

omigod attax, the two previous posts were beyond all of my hopes.
I love your writing. No more brain cramping here......just word love. AND, if you take the word 'African" away from the front of the word American, then I'd have to agree with all that this post contains. I can't believe that I finally, unequivocably agree with you.

posted by benzinha on June 8, 2004 at 3:08 AM | link to this | reply