The Town Square: Do you feel anxious? Lost? Alone? Divorced or separated?

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Saturday, September 8, 2007

Do you feel anxious? Lost? Alone? Divorced or separated?

Sometimes we go through stages of our lives where nothing makes sense... My writing in this site has been a great relief and source for company and communication with others that share my feelings and thoughts about life, love and the pain of loosing it.

I urge you to write us much and as often as you can since it is not only a way of practicing your skill, but a place for sharing, reflecting, mourning, and getting over things!

Visit me as well and do not only read, but please share your feelings and thoughts on my topics, that is what I find most rewarding of all in this great experience at Blog It!

Welcome! Coping with separation and getting your life back!

About my Blog

Going through a sentimental break up can be the biggest life changing experiences in your life. You feel you are going to collapse, some days you feel you would die if it were not for... And even after a lot lot of days, some days when you were sure life had started again, you find yourself lost in memories, illusions of reconciliation, sadness for all you lost, and at the same time, you feel angry because there is no way to understand why you still feel like that! You find new love, your life goes on, but something just can not be left behind... To me this is the most romantic and intense experience of a lifetime and I offer to share my feelings and thougths about it with you... My story has not ended yet, and in the form of a diary or a conversation I will be sharing it day by day with you. Hope we enjoy, share, learn, laugh and cry from our deepest feelings...

Previous: Saturday Aug 11, 2007 - New Entries - Next: My 9-11 Poem is on my blog

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