Monday, July 1, 2019
Through out time money has been a tool to use to recieve goods and wants. overtime credit cards have come into play where debt is formed to buy what the consumer may want. We tend to live in a world where with just one swipe of a card you can have what you want. a few people ever use cash anymore.... Sign in to see full entry.
Sunday, June 30, 2019
Introduction to saving and budgeting
Hello my name is Carl i want to thank you for coming and reading my blog. In this blog saving and budgeting. I will be discussing how to save and budget money and get things that you need without paying a arm and a leg for it. my story takes place a year and a half ago. when i lost my wife. after... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
more free stuff
hey guys its carl again been a while since I did a update so how does free movies sound. I have a list of websites. that you can go use. so here it is. ttp:// Sign in to see full entry.
Monday, August 14, 2017
free services
this week we are going to be talking about free services I have found a list of free services as well as companies that pay to do offers. alot of people do not think you can get something for nothing well I have. not only that I am going to show you how to get free samples as well. I want you to... Sign in to see full entry.
Sunday, August 13, 2017
The big announcement.
Hey guys its Carl again today i wanted to share with you my announcement. I have been helping people for so long. I wanted to do something that would even give back even more. As you guys know I have posted alot of resources on this blog. But I feel like I can do even more. Thats why I am here to... Sign in to see full entry.
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Lets Save some money shall we.
Hey guys it Carl again this time I am writeing to you about how to save money on cable and internet. so as you know cable is alot now a days its getting more and more. I dont like the prices I am sure you dont either. what if i told you I found a way to get cheap internet and low cost cable. so this... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Get paid to Read
We have gone over some websites of mystery shopping. lets dive into ways you can get paid to read. I have found a website that has a list of companies that will pay you to read you can go here I have found a complete list of companies that will pay... Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
mystery shopping and the income it can bring.
hey guys its Carl again I really enjoy reading all your posts. Thank you for the support. Today we are going to dive into mystery shopping. Over the years mystery shopping has got a bad name. But some still do it. I get emails every day to this shop and that shop. but I just dont have time right... Sign in to see full entry.
The 20.00 app
Today I want to touch on how to earn 20.00 from a 1.00 app you get 20.00 to sign up. plus you earn 20.00 per friend you invite.. The app is really great it is a investment app. you invest 1.00 but you get more then what you invest. guys I have already cashed out at 99.00 so i know this pays. if... Sign in to see full entry.
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
working together helping you helping others.
Hello there I currently wanted to make this post because you maybe looking for work. first if you have any legal issues any at all. or need a attorney for something I can get you the help you need around 40.00 guys so many people are being taken advantage of by the court system But what if I toid... Sign in to see full entry.