Ready, Fire, Aim! - Mihail's Public Blog: Apple announces largest, smallest notebooks available and a new web browser

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Tuesday, January 7, 2003

Apple announces largest, smallest notebooks available and a new web browser

Jobs is at it again. As expected he used Macworld San Francisco to announce innovative new software and hardware products calling it the "year of the notebook for Apple" and releasing a beta of an internally developed web browser named Safari which is "complementary" to IE and Microsoft was told about it ahead of time according to this Wall Street Journal story (subscription required):

Apple's two new notebooks are PowerBook G4 laptops with 17-inch and 12-inch screens, billed respectively as the largest and smallest laptop screens in the PC industry. The laptops come with several new features, such as built-in Bluetooth wireless technology. The 17-inch PowerBook also has a backlit keyboard with ambient light sensors that automatically light up the keyboard when surroundings grow dim. The smaller laptop will be available later this month for $1,799, while the 17-inch PowerBook will debut in February at $3,299.

In addition, Apple revealed a wireless-networking device, called AirPort Extreme, which uses a speedy new wireless technology dubbed 802.11g and can accommodate as many as 50 users from a base station that costs $199. Cards to connect each laptop computer are $99.

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