Ready, Fire, Aim! - Mihail's Public Blog: New York Times grows circulation

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Wednesday, October 23, 2002

New York Times grows circulation

According to this New York Times Company press release earlier this week:

Daily circulation rose by 3,629 copies or 0.3%, reaching a net paid circulation of 1,113,000. Sunday circulation rose 3,215 or 0.2% for a net paid circulation of 1,671,865.

"We continue to see circulation increases that reflect the value that people place on Times reporting," said Scott Heekin-Canedy, senior vice president of circulation for the newspaper. "Despite two home delivery price increases over the past two years, national growth continues at a strong pace. We remain on track toward our national expansion goals, which we embarked on in 1998, of increasing circulation by 250,000 copies daily and 300,000 copies Sunday by 2008."

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