Ready, Fire, Aim! - Mihail's Public Blog: New refrigerator surfs Web, makes ice!

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Wednesday, October 23, 2002

New refrigerator surfs Web, makes ice!

Walter Mossberg, writes in his Wall Street Journal column (subscription required) about the new Internet fridge:

Cheer up, Americans. The economy may be weak and war may be on the horizon, but you can finally buy the dream product of the digital age: the Internet refrigerator.

...Released on Oct. 1, LG's refrigerator (also known as the Multi-Media Refrigerator) is sure to impress your friends and catch the eye of anyone wandering into your kitchen. Once you hook up your cable TV and broadband Ethernet connections to handy ports on the back, this fridge can be a computer for e-mail and Web browsing; a television; a music player; a digital still and movie camera; an address book; and a calendar. But would a normal person -- or even an extremely wealthy person -- use its functions frequently enough to make it worth $8,000?

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