Ready, Fire, Aim! - Mihail's Public Blog: Bausch & Lomb CEO falsified his resume

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Saturday, October 19, 2002

Bausch & Lomb CEO falsified his resume

A New York Times story on yet another executive falsifying his resume. Earlier this year Veritas Software was forced to fire its CFO after discovering that he did not have a Stanford MBA as he had previously claimed. What is the problem with these guys?

Ronald L. Zarrella, the chief executive of Bausch & Lomb, a maker of eye care products, admitted yesterday that his résumé contained false information about his education. But, as Bausch shares began to fall on the news, the company's board issued a statement of confidence in him.

Mr. Zarrella, who was named chief executive 11 months ago, had said that he received a master's degree in business administration from New York University when, in fact, he had not. From 1972 to 1976, Mr. Zarrella attended the N.Y.U. business school as a night student while working for Bristol-Myers, but he left before graduating.

"I'm embarrassed that some of this incorrect information appeared in some of our published materials on my background," Mr. Zarrella said in a statement yesterday. "Clearly it's my obligation to proofread such things carefully and ensure their accuracy."

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