Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Hello fellow blogers!! I'm back from Vegas, and I thank you for your prayers. Now it's time to look foward for a new day and time. We must come together as a nation to overcome all the adversities we face, to bridge up the shores of this great nation and make America and our economy stronge again.... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Drive For Votes to LasVegas
Hello fellow blogers!! oathApocolicto here. It is now 2:47 am 10/30/2008 in about an hour I will start my drive for votes for Senator Obama, need your prayers for all of America as well as Senator Obama, his family and his campaign. Pray for all those working with him and on his behalf. If you are... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, October 24, 2008
9 Star I believe you are fairly new as myself,but I like to thank you for your prayers as well. I did'nt get around to reading your blog but I will, I've sort of been caught up in a whirlwind these days. If the Lord say so I will be travling to Las Vegas for Senator Obama,trying to rally up some... Sign in to see full entry.
To Sam 444
Hello Sam: thank you for your prayers, I thank everyone for their prayers we need more impartial love in this world, for we all have our short comings. Sam all I can tell you abou the book is that it covers several subjects. It contain seven chapters from my own personal experiences, religion to... Sign in to see full entry.
Sunsirae OathApocolicto hear. If we all would let the truth be told and let things run it course it will all come out in the wash, like washing clothes and then we all can start a clean slate, because not a one of us is perfect. One thing I've come to know in this world we all need one another I... Sign in to see full entry.
Blooming Opionionated
Hello I see your'e having a time with your little girl, however it seem as though she is in control. It's good to teach children how to think for themselves at an early age it stemulate the mind and they learn how to make good decision, It appears to me that your little girl may have ADD from my... Sign in to see full entry.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
To Cornstalker
Hello Cornstalker!! I'm oathApocolicto, I liked your profile. I to don't want to live my life like a puppit on a string, sometime spontaneous comments that are very opinionated can be very fruitful. Nebraska is my home also, most of my people still live there. My family moved there in1953. I'm very... Sign in to see full entry.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The Last Of The Second Generation
I got a call today from my sister in Atlanta Georgia telling me my Aunte Willie Lee Steerling of Omaha Nebraska have passed away. This make her the last of the second generation. Her Father was Willie Wilson Wallace, mother Isaphine Fails, Born in Evergreen Alabama. She was the third oldest child.... Sign in to see full entry.
The First Ammendment
Freedom of Speach, however it seem that everyone except me is having that right. For the last eight days I have not been able to voice my opinion about anything, for some reason when I finish writting this page say I'm sorry we're unable to show this page. I know someone is watching out there and... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Muley 12
Hello Muley 12. I enjoyed your story and I must say it was very intreging. I have no Idea what Eckankar, but maybe what you really have is faith in God, because in him all things are possible. I read your profile and you said you're not religious, well I'm not either because if I was I could make... Sign in to see full entry.