TELL ME ABOUT YOUR PRECIOUS BABIES: "Small mr. anderson come to protect and destroy. (The devil himself)

By mellyn - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in U.S.

Monday, April 4, 2005

"Small mr. anderson come to protect and destroy. (The devil himself)

We are the kind of people that Jesus came for. After His own rejected him. Because we get the crumbs from the tables like the wild dogs in the streets. Some are allowed out to show if you really want to you can. Oh, how I wanted to, and bring all of my four children with me.. It is not survuval of the fittest, it is survival of the richest. Tell me. How is it that there is a possibility that a man like Michael, great artist, but nevertheless, accused of being a child molestor several times,... Sign in to see full entry.

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