Saturday, September 16, 2023
The grass is turning yellow The green is going away, but that's all right, I always knew it wasn't here to stay. The leaves remain upon the trees but not the green of spring They're waiting for the autumn frost to make their colors King. The air is getting cooler the sky the bluest glow The maple... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, September 1, 2023
Now Don't Get Excited, Now Don't Get Pale
"FEMA and FCC are planning a massive test of their EAS and WEA at approximately 2:20 p.m. ET on 10/4/23." Don't you love the way they talk. By the time I figure that one out it will all be over and I will have already been through the trauma of trying to figure out what the trauma is all about. The... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, May 5, 2023
My Cinco De Mayo Song
This is a song about the beautiful colors and sights and sounds of Spring. The photos show what she is singing about and how much it makes me happy. Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
A Day to Celebrate
A Day To Celebrate. Happy Birthday to Son Stephen (P.D.). Grandson Philip is helping his Dad to celebrate his 59th Birthday. I'm helping too but not dressed like that. Sign in to see full entry.
Monday, September 19, 2022
A Normal Day For Me
I'm slow at moverin' today though the sun is shining and music is playing. Chicken is cooking for later. I should be workin', instead I play at cooking for later dining. By the day my hair is graying. (now what on earth did I do with my grater? I can't do zucchini without my grater. It just wouldn't... Sign in to see full entry.
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
COME BACK, come back, ...good-bye
"Come back little hummingbird," Trumpet vine is calling to the hummingbirds, "Come back my little ones. Don't fly away and leave me yet. If you are not here to enjoy my nectar, the humans will mow me down and carry away my dead branches so that I don't keep reaching out. "Come back my little ones. I... Sign in to see full entry.
Monday, September 12, 2022
According to the calendar, it is ten days away, but in reality, it is here already--autumn. The weather is perfectly cool, but sunny. The progression of color of the leaves will definitely keep my attention until there is nothing left but bare trunks and limbs, and winter is on its way again. Sign in to see full entry.
Sunday, September 11, 2022
A Ramekin of Buckeyes
Where I walked today the sun shines bright and clear the clouds have disappeared as if they have something better to do along the way, for someone else. Where I walked today the shades of green caught my eye, each in its own tint and tone sang to me of happy birds, and scrambling squirrels intent... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, September 9, 2022
Nature's Panoply
S ummer's ending comes so soon, but in glory as it changes from spring, to summer, and to fall; And every beauty of each season can be seen from my own backyard, or not far away at all. Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
The Beauty of Autumn Cometh
I must share the golden days with you while they are here before the leaf decides to turn and then turn loose and whirl and twirl, and dance along the road; before the rainy days bring cooler air, and snow begins to fall upon a world of naked trunks, and branches bare of beauty. I must also save... Sign in to see full entry.