Monday, March 30, 2009
My first day of non smoking. Aaaargh. This morning started out pretty good. I kept pretty busy, so it wasn't to big a deal. With getting the kids moving with their school work, trying to keep my 3 year old distracted long enough for the cat to escape being put in the toilet, and doing the dailies... Sign in to see full entry.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Will I go insane if I quit?
Kids do the cutest things, sometimes. Yes I have an ugly addiction to cigarettes. I do have a desire to quit smoking. My question is though, has anyone found a good product to help you quit? my dad quit cold turkey. Said he just woke up one day and said uuuugh after firing one up, he chunked it out... Sign in to see full entry.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
A breakthrough at last!
So, guess what!!! After a month of tearful frustration, pulling my hair, beating my head aginst the wall, we have had a serious break through with our homeschooling adventures. For the past 6 weks I have been giving reminders that test day is FRIDAY. For a majority of those weeks, my angelic (LOL)... Sign in to see full entry.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
The new meaning of frustration
It wasn't brain surgery, thats for sure. But they made it seem like it was. After 3 consecutive years of homeschooling, they still look at me like I've just spoken some undefined language from a third world country when I mention the end of week test. This is not hard to comprehend, EVERY WEEK on... Sign in to see full entry.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
I wanted to beat him sooooo bad
This morning as I stood outside enjoying the quite morning, and sipping my daily dose of caffeine, I came to a horrible realization. I had wondered over to my 2004 Chevy pick-em-up truck ( yes I love my Silverado) and had the intention of lowering the tailgate and plopping myself down to slurp my... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, August 1, 2008
A new start
It's here again, Early morning anxiety, searching the house for missing books, shoes, lunch money. For some this will be another addition to an already hectic life. Not the case for me tho. My quest with homeschooling began 3 years ago. "Why?" is what I hear so much of. The answer is quite simple,... Sign in to see full entry.